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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Chronicles 16 - The Center of Attention

If you want to know what’s important to someone look at their checking account. Where they spend most of their money is where their priority is at. And if you want to know what is really important to someone simply hang out with them for a few hours. Whatever topic stays on their lips is, at that moment, an item of extreme priority to them. It could be work, family, school, bills, kids, sports, covid, or well, any single item that exists on this planet. And if they speak of said item with tremendous unbridled enthusiasm, then it’s safe to say that it’s at the true center of their attention. Side note, this should tell you something about those people that can’t stop talking about themselves.

When was the last time you got around someone and they couldn’t stop talking about God? They talk about what He’s doing in their lives, they talk about the amazing things He has done recently, and they talk about what He’s doing in the lives their friends, family, and brothers and sisters in Christ. They talk about their church, the ministry they are involved in and how they’ve been seeing God help others through that ministry. It seems they just can’t stop talking about God. What’s ironic is that if you’re super enthusiastic about a sports team you’re called a fan, but if your super enthusiastic about God your called a fanatic. A Bible thumper, a Jesus freak, a Holy Roller. But what if I told you that you should not avoid these names, but instead strive for them?

One of my favorite verses on this topic is Luke 6:45,

“For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

You see, there is one guarantee in life, the heart will spill what it holds. What is in our hearts will come spewing out like hot lava out of a Hawaiian volcano. It just can’t stay in. You’ve probably been there many times in your life; where you want to say something so bad that you can barely physically hold it in. It might be a secret, a lie, a confession, or an emotional feeling, but your heart is telling you to spill it. And you’ve more than likely also been in this predicament, your heart spills the info when you told your brain not to let it out. Oops, the ol’ Freudian slip. The point being that what fills your heart will soon pass your lips.

1 Chronicles 16 sees King David placing the Ark of God back in Jerusalem. He will soon make plans for the temple of God that will be built by his son Solomon. But for now, David places the Ark in a temporary tent. As the Ark arrives into Jerusalem, we see quite the fanfare. We see that as the Ark of God, literally the presence of God, arrives back into Jerusalem, there is no doubt where the center of attention lies within the hearts of the Israelites.

There is fanfare, hoopla, live music, worship, praise, offerings, thanksgiving, and a huge feast. It must have been quite the scene. A scene that our modern world has probably not ever seen. We’re told the entire city celebrated and worshiped God. A sea of people praising and cheering for God. I can only imagine this attempted today. There would be more people protesting their right to not have to celebrate God than people actually celebrating God.

As David was placing the Ark back in Jerusalem, we're told of three important components that existed in their celebration of God. Three things to keep God the center of your attention.

"And he appointed certain Levites to minister before the ark of the Lord, and to record, and to thank and praise the Lord God of Israel" 1 Chronicles 16:4

Thanksgiving, praise and recording. Today let’s look at the last.

Recording His goodness. When was the last time you simply wrote down all the good God has done in your life? What did He do in your life yesterday? What did He do last week? You see, our sin nature sees to it that we have a very short memory involving God. We can and will quickly adopt the “what have you done for me lately” mentality. The thinking of: God performed a miracle for me on Tuesday but on Thursday I’m asking Him for another one like the first one never happened. David knew the importance of not just looking for the goodness of God in tomorrow but recording the goodness of God from yesterday. We would do well to follow his example. And as you do, here are some tips that will help you to maximize your efforts as you record the goodness of God.

1) Make an actual record. Sit down and focus on all the good God has poured into your life and write down every single thought you have. You’ll find yourself walking right into a very special time of worship by just recalling how faithful God has been to you.

2) Be sure to record in the moment. Don’t just wait til later, keep that list handy and as God does amazing things in your life, write them down immediately. I’ve noticed in my life this helps me rejoice in the “God winks” that He provides daily. If you get into the habit of readily looking for God's blessings, you’ll more easily see them. And speaking of, be ready to see God in everything. God speaks through everything, including His entire creation. Sunsets, clouds, nature, animals, music. Don’t limit how God works and speaks to you, be ready to see Him everywhere you look, and He will make Himself apparent to you.

3) Set apart daily or weekly time for recording. If you just wait for it to happen, the evil one will see that you quickly forget or get busy. Set aside a specific time to sit, be still, be quiet, and record the goodness, peace, and joy He has blessed you with.

4) Be ready to tell others. As you move God to the center of your attention, He will fill your heart to overflowing with His peace and joy. And as He does, let it out. Tell your friends of His goodness. Tell you co-workers, your family and even people in line at Wal-Mart of how He has recently worked in your life. Let the goodness of God flow out of the abundance of your heart.

Today most people can tell you more about what’s happening in their favorite Netflix show than what is happening in God’s Word. Most people can tell you more about what’s going on in politics than what’s going on in the ministry of God. Folks, today, you have a job. To worship, praise and record the goodness of a God that loves you more than you will ever be able to realize. He doesn’t just love you as some random human, He made you. He has numbered the hairs upon your head. He wrote your DNA and He knows everything about you. And He loves you. And all He asks in return is that you love Him as He first loved you. Even in your sin He loved you enough to send His only Son here to be tortured and hung on a Cross. He did it so that you could be reunited with him for all eternity. Folks, that is love.

If you don’t know if you’re eternity will be in Heaven, you can know today, this moment. Your sin will keep you out of heaven, you’ve got to do something with it. And only Jesus can take that sin. The blood that Jesus shed upon the cross is the only thing pure enough to cover your sin. And to claim that, you claim Him as your Lord. Ask Jesus to be your Lord and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. He is faithful to hear and save all that call upon His name. And as you do, His work upon the cross will usher you into Heaven for all of eternity.

Today, if you have Jesus, I pray that you record His goodness in your life. And as you do recall all that He has done, it will spontaneously erupt into worship and praise. Real and genuine. And as it does, I pray it becomes a daily rhythm in your life.

All praise and glory be to God, for He is worthy.

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