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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Chronicles 18 - The Traveling Presence

Life is a journey, literally. Think back about where your life has taken you upon this planet. For Margie and I, we have lived in 10 different places that span 2 different U.S. states and are about to undertake a journey that will see us living in two different countries. And we’ve had many friends, especially military, that make our journeys look miniscule. A different country every other year with a list under their belt as long as West Texas highway. And every time you move, regardless of the reason, it’s a bit unsettling. The house is different, the neighborhood is different, the schools are different and well, your entire routine is disrupted. Every time you move it takes time to settle back in and make a new normal.

As you move creating a new normal takes time. A new rhythm in a new place. Humans have several methods to speed this process along. One is ensuring that all our stuff gets around us as quick as possible, trying to recreate the space we just left. Another is to introduce our old identical habits and patterns into the new place as quickly as possible. And the penultimate is ensuring the ones we love stay around us and are close. But what about the presence of God? Have you ever thought about the fact that wherever you go on this planet, Almighty God is within arm’s reach? Have you ever thought about the fact that God’s presence is made to travel with you wherever He may have your feet trod? The travelling presence of God is made to accompany us wherever this life may take us.

We see the presence of God accompany David to numerous battlefields in 1 Chronicles 18. David was a man on the move for God. Wherever God led, he obediently followed. That in itself is a blessed testament for a life lived well in the Lord. We see David switch from king mode to battle mode today. There were countless evil neighboring people that despised God and despised his people and left alone they were bent on destroying both. God built David to fight. He started fighting at about 13 years old when he faced a giant from Gath. And today we see him fight and conquer the Philistines, the Moabites, The Zobath-Hamathites, the Syrians, and the Edomites. And we are clearly told where the victories of David lied...twice.

“And the Lord gave victory to David wherever he went.” 1 Chronicles 18:6b

“And the Lord gave victory to David wherever he went.” 1 Chronicles 18:13b

The Lord gave David the victory wherever he went. Wherever David was fighting for the Lord, the Lord led, the Lord instructed, the Lord guided, the Lord provided, and the Lord gave the victory. David could not out travel God. He could not journey far enough to lose God. In fact it brings up a great point; in life as we are journeying, sometimes we think we are the ones blazing the trail and God follows us, yet it’s just the opposite. Whether we want to believe it or not, God is the one leading. The question is, as our lives are moved about like perfectly placed chess pieces, do we fully and constantly acknowledge God’s constant travelling presence, or do we think that we can move beyond the borders of God?

In the last few years, I have had some personal experience with this. The 5MC will have its 3rd anniversary in March and the other day I was reminiscing about where God has taken me during that span and as a result, where I have sat and written with Him. I have written in Hong Kong and Shanghai, China; Cozumel and Playa Del Carmen, Mexico; Fort Worth and Combine, Texas; Seattle, Washington; Destin, Florida; I have even been blessed to sit and write for God on the 14th deck of a cruise ship as it was gliding through the turquoise Caribbean. And I know that in the very near future I will sit with God and write in Richmond, Virginia, Puebla, Mexico and eventually either Costa Rica, Panama, or Peru. And the constant? No matter where I was, no matter my mood, no matter whether I was ill or healthy, no matter my condition…God met me there. The traveling presence of God promises that wherever He might lead, He is already there when we arrive.

One of the single biggest miracles that will ever occur to a believer in Jesus Christ is the anointing of the Holy Spirit of God. You see, God is not some distant old man hovering in the clouds, God lives in the hearts of those that have called upon the name of His Son in faith. God lives in the hearts of those that believe in Jesus. And the Holy Spirit of God travels well.

Wherever God might lead you, rest assured that the presence of God is with you there. Rest assured that you can cry out God and He can hear you wherever you might be. Whether it be on a Colorado mountaintop or a remote island in the Philippines, God will be there. Whether it be in the jungles of Nicaragua, or the plains of Kansas, the presence of God will be with you. Whether it be in the valley of the shadow of death or the depths of sickness and disease, the presence of God will be with you there. And whether it be in emotional despair or in the depths of addiction, God will be there alongside you.

Today, I pray that wherever God may have your life today, that you know that He is there. That you reach out to Him, worship Him, praise Him, and thank Him. For wherever you are in this life journey, He is the one that brought you there and He will be the one to usher you out.

Thank you God, for your Holy traveling presence.

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