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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Chronicles 19 - Surrounded

To fight or not to fight, what a monumental inquiry. For some fighting is in their genes, they are ready to make war with anyone or any idea that opposes their ideals. For others fighting is a last resort, the ideal of engaging in conflict a forecast of a bad taste left in the mouth. The confluence of these two stances have never been more apparent since the emergence of social media. Before Facebook if you wanted to engage in a verbal assault, you’d have to find someone to physically argue and shout with, which would probably end in fisticuffs. But behind the safety of a keyboard or smart phone, you can launch a full scale assault of someone half way across the world and suffer nothing but the sharp sting of their vicious words. I believe that social media has moved our world into a much more hostile era. Practice makes perfect, and the more you fight, the better you get. But the inquiry still remains, whether you enjoy fighting or not, you will be forced to fight at some point. Where is that point?

1 Chronicles 19 is a chapter of instigation, betrayal, confrontation, war, fighting and death. If it didn’t take place in 935 B.C., you’d think it was describing our world today. David and the Israelites are living in peace with the Lord. The Ark of the covenant of God is back, regular worship and sacrifices are occurring, and David is ensuring that all festivals and Sabbaths are transpiring just as God’s Word commands. We see a good king leading His people not in his own good ways, but instead passionately leading them in the direction of God’s good ways. A formula that I have not been fortunate enough to see in my lifetime.

But as David and the Israelites are living in peace do you think the world would tolerate it? Absolutely not. You see, there is one very unpopular fact that faces the dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. The world will not favor the peace and joy you display in your life as you walk daily with Christ. The world will instead desire to see you walk as they walk, in the tumultuous confines of a world that hates Jesus. And this should come as no surprise, Jesus gives us His Words concerning just this.

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” John 15:18-19

The world is at war with Jesus Christ and if you belong to Jesus, you too are at war with the world. And David witnessed this all of his days. In our study chapter today, we see the king of the Ammonites die and his son take the throne. David respected the king that had died and sent a royal entourage to pay homage to him. But his son, the new king, rejected David's ambassadors and shamed them immensely by shaving their beards and cutting their cloaks off at the waist. They return to David in great shame. David, at times, could be seen as a hothead and you’d think this was all he needed to move his mighty men into action and annihilate the Ammonites, but David did not fight. But the world kept coming, looking for a fight. The Ammonites hired mercenaries to fight along side them, 32,000 chariots and the armies of 4 different kingdoms. The world was amassing its army before God’s people.

You see, the enemy will not ever relent its attack upon those that follow Almighty God.

As you walk in this world are you prepared to realize that if you give your life to Christ in faith that you are declaring the world an enemy? I talk to a lot of folks that want to play Jesus like a magical rigged slot machine. They only want to win, all the time. I never want to lose. I only want the good of walking with Christ but I want none of the bad. Folks, if you sell out to Jesus, get ready to be at odds with the very world you walk in every day.

David sends his two most trusted generals into the battle that came to rest at his doorstep. As they assemble on the battlefield, they quickly find themselves surrounded by the enemy. They can’t retreat and they can’t flank. Forward is the only choice. They are being forced into battle with an enemy that craves their destruction. And as they prepare to fight, we find these wise words from General Joab to his brother, General Abishai.

“And he said, “If the Syrians are too strong for me, then you shall help me, but if the Ammonites are too strong for you, then I will help you. Be strong and let us use our strength for our people and for the cities of our God, and may the Lord do what seems good to him.” 1 Chronicles 19:12-13

Today the world surrounds you as a Christ follower. The world is in direct opposition to the Word of God and it runs the gamut from casual disapproval to hateful and violent defiance. You might not be called to fight every day, but you will be called to fight at some point. And as you do, remember that the fight is not your own. God never meant for us to endure the battles of this life alone. Are you a member of good Bible teaching church? If not, you are missing out on being a member of a great army battalion of God. Are you a part of a small group that meets regularly to study the truth of God’s Word and lift each other up in the throws of battle? If not, you are missing a vital component of God’s army, the personal connection of the platoon. Are you daily in a deep study and application of the power of God’s Word? If not, you are missing the only offensive weapon God supplies us with in our armor against this world. (Eph. 6:10-18)

Prepare yourself for battle, you know not when it comes. Arm yourself with the Word God and surround yourself with other strong, Christ-loving soldiers. And when you find yourself surrounded by the enemy, with no avenue left but to fight, remember Joab’s battle-day speech. We can bring the strength, we can bring the preparation, we can bring the army, but God, only God can bring the results. Results that will be good to Him, regardless of our understanding.

Dear Lord, allow us today to only fight as you call, and as you do call us into battle, allow us the victory over the evil one in your precious name.

Glory be to God in His victories.

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