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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Chronicles 24 - Report for Duty

In the last year I have had several nephews, cousins, and friend’s sons join the military. As you join the military the first step is always the same, boot camp. After you sign those enlistment papers and make that commitment, a date is officially set. That date being the day you step up onto that bus that drives you to the gates of your first military base. That date is the day you report for duty.

It sounds so official, reporting for duty. I picture the newly enlisted, unranked candidate standing in line, fearful of an unknown future. He’s heard the horror stories, he’s seen the movies, he’s even had friends walk this walk, but yet here he stands, willing to endure for the greater good of the cause. Here he stands, now “in the service.”

As vivid as the imagery and idea of military service sounds, have you ever thought about what it truly means to be “in the service” of the Lord. To each and every day rise, suit up, prepare, and report for duty in the service of the Lord? I encounter so many people that call themselves a Christian, but I truly question how many really know what it means to be in His service. What do you really think it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Does it mean you say a prayer one time and then your done? That eternal salvation in Jesus Christ was just checking another box on the list, like picking up milk and eggs at the supermarket? Does being a Christian mean that you drag to church once or twice a month when it’s convenient and you feel like it? Does being a Christ follower mean that you get your weekly dose of God’s Word from a random radio preacher or the latest and greatest book about God? The idea being that as long as you're somehow topically exposed to the Bible that it counts as a personal study? Does being a Christian mean that you're free to spew condemnation on the world around you, seeing God's righteous judgement as your Christian duty? You see, we’re living in a nation that claims to be Christian, yet most people’s actions are as far from Christ as could be.

At boot camp one thing is thoroughly established. Authority. Within minutes off the bus, the candidate is introduced to "authority"...the drill sergeant. You see, in the military you will more than likely see battle and the ravages of war. It’s been quoted from Union general William Tecumseh Sherman, that "war is hell." In the midst of war one thing is critical to survival. Authority. One with great knowledge, experience, and wisdom on the battlefield must lead. Those that follow their leader must do so with absolute obedience. And the ability to offer this unbridled obedience during the hell of battle could very well be the difference in a life saved or a life lost.

Today in 1 Chronicles 24 we see David acting as the great leader that he was as he establishes the ongoing service of the temple of the Lord. He first completes a census of the Levites, the only tribe of Israel that God named to minister to His temple and the ark of God. David next divides the Levites into 24 divisions, almost like battalions, regiments, and platoons. And then he establishes a schedule of service that each will rigidly adhere to. Sound military-esque? Well, it should, considering that at heart David was a military commander. And as he is establishing the men that will properly care for the things of God, we’re given these words.

“These had as their appointed duty in their service to come into the house of the LORD according to the procedure established for them by Aaron their father, as the LORD God of Israel had commanded him.” 1 Chronicles 24:19

Notice the key words in this verse; appointed, duty, service, procedure, Lord commanded him. Did you know that there are hundreds of verses that reference military service and activity in God’s Word? Did you know that fighting, battle, and war is one of the most common threads of the Old Testament? Did you know that if you have called upon Christ as your Savior, that you have been brought into the ranks of His army? Do you know that today you are in the midst of an active battle? Did you know that the battle you are in as a Christ follower is ravaging against you today to the point that God sees the need to give you armor for it? All true. And as you suit up to fight the good fight of Christ, the principles of battle have never rung truer.

Today as you rise, report for duty. First, you must realize that there is a fierce battle raging. I see countless Christians today that are completely unaware that there is a deadly war being fought for control of their minds, their hearts, and their peace and joy. If you waltz into a battlefield unaware that a war is being fought, you are sure to become a casualty of that war. Second, you must submit to the authority of your leader, Jesus Christ. The war can only be won through His love, grace, mercy, and wisdom. The only hope a Christ follower has in this war is to follow Christ closely and obey His commandments for the war. Submit in absolute obedience to the authority of Christ, there is no other way. I see people all over the world today calling Christ their commander, yet they refuse to obey, submit or follow His Holy commands in any way. Would you dare get onto the battlefield and then refuse to listen to your commanding officer?

Third, Jesus will lead you, but as a soldier for Christ, you will be called to fight. And for that you must prepare. God, knowing the severity of the fight, has fully equipped us. But just as any soldier before the fight, you must put on your own armor, you must prepare yourself. Ephesians 6:10-18 carefully describes our protection as we daily wage war against the evil in this world. Every morning if you are not donning the full armor of God, you are leaving yourself exposed to a world operated by satan. A dark world that desires to see you robbed of all of your joy, peace, and freedom that Christ desires for you.

Today, report for duty. Start by ensuring that you allow yourself a still, quiet time in your morning to study, reflect, and mediate on God’s Word. Without it, you are forgetting to take your sword into the battle, the only offensive weapon the Christian is given in fighting the enemy. Buckle the belt of truth that will hold your sword, for the truth of God is the anchor that stays the life of the Christ follower. Securely strap on the breastplate of righteousness, for the righteousness of Christ protects our hearts during the fight. Shod your feet with the peace of the gospel, being ready to take the good news of Christ wherever God leads you. Firmly grasp the shield of faith, knowing that Jesus will protect you from satan’s constant flaming arrows. And lastly, strap on the helmet of Salvation, resting easy in the fact that whatever the battle delivers, you are not a citizen of this planet, but as a child of Jesus Christ, your true citizenship is in Heaven.

Report for duty. The fight is real and if you are a passionate follower of Jesus, you are in the midst of the fray. I pray that you are obedient in following each and every command of the only one that can see you emerge victorious, the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.

"Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him." 2 Timothy 2:3-4

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