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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Chronicles 27 - Work Unto the Lord

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

Over the tilling of the soil, the vineyards, the produce, the olive trees, the stores of oil, the herds of the pasture and valleys, and over the camels and donkeys. ~ 1 Chronicles 27

Did you ever feel that you were doing a job that was unimportant? Something menial and it seemed no one cared, and no one noticed? Did you know that ever since the garden of Eden God has blessed us with the purpose of work? And to God, all work is important…if you engage it with the right heart. Why are you working today? Is it only for the paycheck or did God call you to that work? Our world today sees so many people get the cart before the horse as they complete years of higher education that will get them the highest paying job, only to find out later the job brings them no joy. I have some advice for you that will not be popular in our world today. Don’t find a job solely based on pay, but instead talk to God about the job He has for you. And as He informs you, attack the work He has for you with passion and zeal and don’t worry about the money. Sure, the pay might not allow you to live in the biggest house in your neighborhood or drive the newest car on your street, but those things don’t bring joy like being in the will of God. Whether you’re caring for donkeys or tilling the soil, living in the will of God and doing the work He has for you will bring you untold riches that you can never deposit into any bank.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24

Kahana, Maui, Hawaii

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