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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Chronicles 4 - A Thread in the Tapestry

I came across a collection of photographs the other day that fascinated. Someone had secured a high-def camera to a microscope and they then began to photograph everyday items at their base cellular structure. It was amazing. Common metals items were unrecognizable. Foods were amazingly complex and colorful. Living biological specimens seemed to have an entirely new life exposed at this level of magnification. And all of this is completely unknown to our naked human eye. There is an entirely separate world teeming with texture, complexity, and secrets that lie outside of our view.

One of the microscopic pictures was of a series of threads. At first glance you would never know what you are looking at, but as they zoomed out, you could see the rich, vibrant colors of an intricately woven tapestry. The scenes upon the tapestry were woven by talented, loving hands into a fanciful feast for the eyes. The people, animals, flowers, and borders all popped with color and depth. A color and depth that defied the logic of what the single thread that lied below the surface truly looked like. But even though the tapestry overview is all most will ever see, the single thread is what it is constructed of. Millions of single threads woven together with perfection to reveal an overlying picture that will tell a tremendous story.

God’s Word is no different. If you take in God’s Word with the naked eye, that is, randomly reading passages while you’re watching TV, falling asleep, or in the car, you will get just that, a quick overview; a quick glance at the surface. But if you settle down, grab a magnifying glass, and ask God to reveal a deeper level, He will reveal an entirely new world to you that lies just below the surface.

If you’re reading along with the 5MC in your own Bible, (you'd better!) you are fully aware that the first several chapters of 1 Chronicles are tough. And I don’t mean the theological principles are tough, I mean they’re tough to read and stay awake. The first 9 chapters of 1 Chronicles are about 97% genealogies. And let’s be honest, seemingly endless lists of antiquated names that you can barely pronounce are no fun…at all. But don’t despair. God can speak to you even in deep genealogies. The first thing you do is simply ask. I hope that you are praying for God to use His Holy Spirit to bless you in your daily study of His Word. If you’re not, you’re shooting skeet with a blindfold on. You need God to understand God, and without the power of the Holy Spirit guiding and speaking into your heart as you read, God’s Word will be lackluster and unsatisfying. And as far as chapters like these in 1 Chronicles, well, you might make that prayer of understanding and insight a little longer.

Today in my study time, God revealed a single beautiful thread in His tapestry. Jabez. Most people only know His name from Bruce Wilkinson’s wildly popular book from 2000, The Prayer of Jabez. And that would be appropriate since the life of Jabez is only mentioned one time in the entirety of God’s Word. One time. Blink and you miss it. A single thread that is woven into God’s Amazing tapestry and unless you have your magnifying glass out in 1 Chronicles chapter 4, you’ll overlook his life. And Jabez’s small little, tiny thread speaks volumes to us today.

The prayer of Jabez must be studied carefully. I found that many of the different Bible translations can sadly, completely miss the mark of his prayer. This is where you need to be careful what Bible translation you primarily use for study. I am not against any one translation, in fact, I'm a huge proponent that you use not just one translation, but many. I use free online Bible sites that allow me to access over 30 different translations at the drop of a hat. Just like a tool drawer that has 30 different screw drivers, each one is used for a very specific task. And each Bible translation can offer you a different view of the same verse. Don’t limit yourself to just one, explore all the tools you have in your drawer and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through them. But at the same time, ensure that your primary study Bible is an accurate "word for word" translation. For this I recommend either the NASB (New American Standard Bible), ESV (English Standard Version), or the NKJV (New King James Version).

Today, let’s explore the prayer of Jabez using two quite different Bible translations.

“And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.” 1 Chronicles 4:10 NKJV, New King James Version

A powerful prayer that is directed to allowing Jabez to be better equipped to serve God. A prayer that is not directed to self-enrichment and personal fulfillment, but one asking God to allow him to be better prepared to be an excellent servant of God. He asks to be “blessed indeed” with the word indeed being a word to place emphasis upon the prior word. It can be read as “bless me greatly.” Jabez doesn't just want God's blessing, he wants God's abundant blessings. He next asks that God enlarge his territory. During this time Jabez would have been living in a persecuted Israel with God allowing nations to attack in His righteous judgement from all sides. As this happened, taking the message of God would have been very difficult. For instance, right now, the borders of China are closed to Christian missionaries, Christian organizations, and Christian evangelists. Those borders have been closed off. This would be similar to Jabez praying today for God to open those borders to him, to allow him to go wherever God called him. He next asks for God’s hand to be with Him, protect him from evil and that he not cause others pain in his journeys. What a powerful prayer. Fully centered around asking God to empower him to be the best Godly servant he can be. A prayer we should all be modeling today. But let’s look at another Bible translation of the same verse.

“Jabez prayed to the God of Israel and said, “I pray that you would bless me and give me more land! Be near me and don’t let anyone hurt me! Then I will not have any pain.” God gave Jabez what he asked for.” 1 Chronicles 4:10 – ERV, Easy to Read Version

You can quickly see differences. In fact, major differences. If this were the only version you read and studied, you’d think that Jabez was an arrogant jerk! It sounds like he thinks God is a genie and he’s making his wish requests of Him. “Give me more land!” It’s like he’s starting his own cattle ranch and needs a few thousand more acres to graze his herd. Also notice his prayer of protection. “Don’t let anyone hurt me.” Folks, attacks from physical people are the least concern of Christians on this planet. We face not just attacks from mean, violent people, but pure evil attacks from satan himself. We need protection from spiritual evil, not just protection from mean guys with guns. And this version ends with “that I will not have pain.” Folks, the first translation said, “so that I would not cause pain”, a clear external view of not harming others. But here it’s purely internal. I’ve got news for you; you will have pain in this life. Even while the Almighty hand of God is upon you, guiding you and protecting you, there will be pain in your life. In fact, many times in my life I have seen God use pain to correct me, rebuke me, move me in a different direction, and alter my behavior.

The prayer of Jabez is a mighty prayer from one that God saw as honorable above his brothers. His prayer was externally focused, only looking to ask God to make him into a mighty warrior so that he could better do battle for God. He asked to be equipped by God. He asked for passage where others could not go. He asked for God’s guidance, vision and leadership in his journeys. And he asked for God’s protection. Protection from the evil hand of satan. And in maybe one of the wisest utterances of his prayer, he asked God to protect him from himself. That God would restrain him from hurting others. From hurting others in his selfish sin. From hurting others in his reckless pride. From hurting others as he went out into the world be a warrior for God.

May you today, adopt the prayer of Jabez and become a mighty warrior for God.

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