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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Corinthians 15

Good morning and happy Tuesday. How about this weather? I can deal with sunny and 78! It’s been a little bit of an adjustment as far as dealing with the rapidly changing Fall weather back here in Texas. Maui was so stable; the skies might change a bit, but the temperature was always rock steady. It was quite odd to never have to check the temperature to adjust your dress. It was just shorts and t shirts everyday. We had a thick comforter on the bed last week when it was in the low 50’s and last night we ran the A/C. Go figure.

Marge and I attended our neighbor, Miss Virginia’s memorial yesterday. Funerals always have a way of reminding you what’s really important in life. What really lasts. They’re always in a church or a chapel of some sort and there’s nothing but people there. I’ve never been to a funeral held in somebody’s mansion. I’ve never been to one where their new flashy car was parked near the casket. I’ve never been to one held at their office where they closed the big deals and made alot of money. At the end of our life when our last breath expires, it’s just us and a bunch of people. People that you loved. People that you touched. People that you served. At the end that’s all there is. The people God puts in our lives.

Today we are in a foundational chapter, 1 Corinthians 15. One of the longest chapters in 1 Corinthians, Paul dedicates the entire chapter to resurrection. Not just the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ but the promise that we will all be resurrected in new bodies when Christ returns. You see the first great heresy of the early church was the denial that Jesus was resurrected at all. Paul spends a large part of his first letter to the church at Corinth correcting, explaining and confirming the fact that Jesus was indeed raised from the dead and walked out of the tomb 3 days later.

You see, the truth of Christianity rests in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through this we have victory over death that arises from sin. One day we will be raised as well and have a home in Heaven alongside God. He will dwell with us and us with Him. (Rev 21:3) Paul fully realized this and he is telling the Corinthians, without the resurrection we have nothing. If you don’t believe that Jesus was truly raised from the dead and walked again, then you have no hope. It’s all about Jesus and without Him sitting at the right hand of the Father right now, all is lost.

Since the chapter is about resurrection, let’s look closer at the word. The Greek word is ‘anastasis nekron’ which means ‘the standing up of a corpse.’ It’s important to note that this is a physical act not a spiritual one. Jesus was bodily raised and again, it was a physical act.

It’s hard to deny the facts. Just like Thomas demanded to see the ‘holes in Jesus’ hands before he would believe (John 20:27) we as humans like to see proof. I always think of Missouri being the ‘Show Me State’ and how many of us need to see to believe. You see Christianity rests in pure true fact that can be proved. Biblical Scholar Dr. Machen states, “Christianity does not rest on a set of ideas or creeds, but on facts.”

Paul addresses this ‘need to see’ early in the chapter as he presents the ‘proofs’ of Jesus’ resurrection. He tells us that after Jesus was bodily ‘stood up’ he first appeared to Peter. ( Cor 15:5) Then he appeared to the twelve. (1 Cor 15:5) Then he was seen by over 500 brethren at once, most still alive at the time of Paul’s writing. (1 Cor 15:6) Then he was seen by James, his half brother. (1 Cor 15:7) Then he appeared to all the apostles (1 Cor 15:7) Lastly Paul tells us that he saw Jesus personally (1 Cor 15:8) Paul is basically presenting a court case to the naysayers saying “how can you deny these facts?” Sometimes even when people clearly see, they can deny it in their hearts.

To admit and believe that Jesus was physically raised from the dead after three days is the basis of the gospel and the foundation of Christianity. Without it Christianity cannot exist. We often hear the word gospel. Preach the gospel, tell them the gospel, take the gospel to the nations, etc. But what is the gospel? The word gospel is from the Greek word ‘evangelion’ and means ‘good news.’ So what is the good news? The gospel can be accurately summed up in three points:

1) Christ died for our sins

2) Christ was buried

3) Christ rose again on the third day

Imagine that if you were a follower of Jesus and saw him die on the cross that day. You saw the soldier pierce His side as His body slumped in death. You saw Him take his last breath and with that last breath your hope of a savior took its last breath alongside him. For three days the disciples were lost in agony. For three days they questioned everything. For three days they pondered life, existence and the truth. But on that third day everything changed. With the words “He is not here, He is risen.” (Luke 24:6) the world changed forever. You can only imagine what truly good news that was to His followers. It is that same good news to us today. He is not dead, He is alive! He is risen! Our Lord and Savior is alive!

Paul goes on to address those that did not believe that all Christ followers will also be resurrected on the day of Christ’s return. “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1 Cor 15:52) As we die our Earthly bodies pass away, but our soul lives on. Death is a separation of the body from the individual, from the person. When Christ returns we will need new bodies and we will receive new glorified bodies. (1 Cor 15:35) Our new glorified bodies will allow us to fully comprehend the glory of Heaven. Our new glorified bodies will allow us to fully comprehend the glory of being in the presence of God. You see the bodies we are in now are not capable of that. I can’t comprehend or even begin to imagine the glory of God and His Heaven, but God tells us it’s so amazing you’re going to need a new set of eyes, ears and everything along with it to take it all in! Oh, what glory He has for those that call him Savior!

What a beautiful chapter this morning. Praise God for His Word and how He allows us a glimpse of the glory that awaits us. I pray that today your 5 minutes of personal time in His Word speaks volumes to you and offers you a beautiful glimpse into the glorious plan He has for your life.

May God’s grace surround you today.

Kahana seascape

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