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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Samuel 11 - The Spiritual Bully

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

Bullies have always existed. From the first set of brothers ever born, Cain and Able, to the child that was just born seconds ago somewhere on this huge rock. Bullies are as prevalent and about as wanted as weeds and mosquitoes. Bully is defined as “a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.” Great definition, you nailed it Mr. Webster. The words that stick out to me in this definition are habitually, intimidate and vulnerable. We generally visualize a bully as a kid bigger than the rest that pushes around the smaller kids and takes their lunch money. The behavior is habitual, happening over and over, and it feeds off of intimidating a victim. That is, making someone feel inferior by force or threat of force. And this process is successful when the bully can sell the victim on the fact that they are indeed, truly helpless. In fact, if you really think about it, bullies are in sales. They are selling the concept that you as a victim are helpless, weak, vulnerable, and defenseless. But another big problem with bullies? They don’t just exist only in our youth.

Bullies can and do exist well into our adult years. A wife or husband can be a bully. A boss can be a bully. Parents can be bullies. Neighbors can be bullies. And even organizations can be bullies. The IRS, HOA’s, political groups, and yes even churches can be bullies if they are habitually yearning to intimidate the vulnerable. But when it comes to bullies the question is, how vulnerable are you really?

I remember this great movie growing up called My Bodyguard. It was from 1980 and told the story of young kid that was habitually intimidated and terrorized by a bully in high school. He was indeed physically and emotionally vulnerable to the bully and as a result, lived a life of frustration, fear and inferiority. But he refused to be bullied, so he did something about it. He hired the biggest kid in school to defend him. To be his bodyguard. The only problem? The big guy was quite the outcast. He came from a checkered family, was poor by school standards, dressed oddly and was socially awkward. The movie results in a beautiful friendship forming between the two as they effectively turn the tables and reveal the bully for what he truly was, a coward seeking power. But I have a question for you. Sure, it’s easy to spot physical bullies in life, but what about spiritual bullies? What? Do spiritual bullies even exist? Let’s take a look.

Today in 1 Samuel 11, we see a story that perfectly aligns with bullying. (Yes, there is a ton of bullying in the Bible) Even though Saul has been anointed king of Israel, his presence and authority is far from total and far from widespread. The small village of Jabesh-Gilead was approached by the enemy Ammonites and the bullying begins. King Nahash of the Ammonites makes quite the demand. Give up to us immediately or we will kill everybody. The people of Jabesh make a desperate counteroffer. Let’s make a deal, they say. You let us live and we’ll be your slaves. Nahash agrees but with a big condition. If I accept this deal with you, I will get to gouge out the right eye of every person in town. Huh, I didn’t see that coming. (pun intended)

There is a few reasons for the “de-eying” threat. First was to disgrace the people. The second was logical. Men held their shields in battle with the left hand as to hold their swords with their right. As they did this their left eye would be behind the shield and they looked onto the battlefield with their right. No right eye, no fighting. This would effectually remove the future threat of war from this people group.

But the elders of Jabesh refuse to give in to this brutal bullying, they send out a plea for help. God gets the message to Saul and he assembles a great group of Israelites and they save the day, routing the Ammonites. Sweet Godly justice.

But back to our spiritual bully discussion. God wove a beautiful picture of spiritual warfare into this story, blink and you’ll miss it. Beyond all physical bullies that we may encounter in life, the biggest bully is on the Spiritual front. We have an enemy that seeks to habitually intimidate us. He seeks to lie to us and tell us that we are vulnerable and weak. He whispers lies into our ears and tells us that we are helpless and alone. He continually bombards us with the message that we are small, insignificant and hold no value. He tells us we are unprotected, unsafe, and unguarded. The name of this bully means: accuser, liar, adversary, opposer, one who resists, tempter, roaring lion, and serpent. And remember the king of the Ammonites that started all this trouble, Nahash? Guess what his name means? Yep, the name Nahash means serpent or snake.

Today you have a spiritual bully in your life. He is bigger than you, he is tougher than you and he is habitual in his attacks on you. He is a master at deceit, lies and accusation. He will in time convince you that you are meaningless, unloved, unneeded, and alone. All lies. In your own, you can’t fight this bully and win. Just as in the movie My Bodyguard, you need help. You need to get someone that is bigger, stronger, and wiser to fight for you. You need someone that is empowered with pure truth, pure love, and pure righteousness. You need someone that is full of mercy, grace, and forgiveness. You need someone that values you more than anything else in this world. You need someone that loves and cherishes your very soul. Folks, that one exists, it is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Today as the bully attacks, call on Jesus to fight for you. Today as the bully strikes with his lies and accusation, call on Jesus to refute them in His pure truth. Today as the bully pounces, cry out to Christ to repel the blows and protect you as only He can. You see, satan not only wants to attack you, he wants to blind you so you can no longer offer a fight. He doesn’t want to simply defeat you today; he wants to defeat you forever. He wants to blind you to Christ. Folks, call upon Jesus today to be your Savior. Call upon Jesus to fight for you. Call upon Jesus to refute the lies of satan and instead speak His pure truth into your heart. Today the spiritual battle will rage in your life…who will fight it…you or Jesus?

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3

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