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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Samuel 2 - Growing Up and Growing Within

There’s a few constants in life and one of them is growing up. Our bodies start small, and over time, they get bigger. During those teen years it’s rather astonishing to witness the growth. We have 8 nephews and to see them periodically is quite the shock. It seems like within months they grow almost an inch. To see them after several months is like seeing a new person. They’re taller, leaner, and stronger. Their faces change, their hair a shade different and their eyes seem to have a different sparkle within that taller body. To watch the process of growing up is amazing indeed.

But that’s not the only growing up process that God has for us. If you have called upon Christ as your Savior, there is another entirely different process in which you will grow. You see, you will grow up physically, it’s a guarantee. As long as you continue to eat tacos, your body will grow. In fact, when you are young you can pretty much eat anything, and your body will still use it as fuel for growth. But the other growth, internal growth, spiritual growth, requires a completely different kind of food. And in this spiritual growth there is no maturity. Like some kind of mythical giant that never stops growing, if we follow Christ closely, we will continue to grow spiritually until the day we travel to our real home in Heaven.

As we move into 1 Samuel chapter 2, we see young Samuel growing. As his mother Hannah was pouring out her heart to the Lord for a child, she added something into that prayer…a dedication. You see, she told the Lord that if He would grant her a child, she would in turn dedicate him to the Lord’s work. For this to be done, the child would be kept by mom until fully weened and then he would be turned over to the care of the high priest. The child would live at the temple, eat at the temple, sleep at the temple, and learn all that was done at the temple. Pretty much an apprentice to the high priest. Samuel would grow up at the temple. Physically and spiritually.

I can only imagine the day that Hannah dropped off little Samuel at the temple. Her first child, her only child. A child she had poured out her heart to God for. And in a scene reminiscent of the first day of Kindergarten, she was dropping off little Samuel and leaving him behind. But she would not be picking him up that afternoon, he was to stay, He now belonged to God. What a commitment she had made to God. And it would be through this commitment that God would do amazing things for the Israelite people. Samuel would indeed be a loyal, faithful, and powerful servant for the Lord. And it was all because of one woman’s faith in God to hear her prayers.

Young Samuel does indeed grow. And as we’re told of his growth while at the temple, we get this verse:

“Now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the Lord and also with man.” 1 Sam. 2:26

Young Samuel was growing up. He was getting taller, filling out and becoming a young man. But He was also growing within. He was learning of God, surrounded by God’s Word, and surrounded by God’s work. He was immersed in the things of the Lord and as a result, he was growing up in the Lord. We see here the wonderful statement that he was growing in the favor of the Lord and also with his fellow man.

I hope today that you have a strong desire to grow in God. If you do, I have a prayer for you. I pray that you are actively seeking the things of God that will encourage your growth in Him. You see, unlike physical growth, growth in God does not just automatically happen. We have to seek out the spiritual food that will promote our spiritual growth. Just like a teenager that is “growing like a weed” I pray you are “growing like a weed” in God. And folks, to grow the body at a rapid rate requires food…a lot food. And to grow in God at a rapid rate also requires a lot of food. And just what is this spiritual food? I’m glad you asked.

1) The Word of God. Jesus declares himself as the bread of life. (John 6:35) He also declares Himself as the Word. (John 1:14) To behold the Word of God is to behold the spiritual bread of life, Jesus Christ. The Bible is not a history book, it’s not a mere collection of stories, it’s not a textbook. It is the very presence of Christ. For a believer in Jesus to encounter the Word of God is a true miracle. The Holy Spirit will reveal God’s Word to the believer in a way that will enrich, bless, advise, inform, rebuke, and instruct…simultaneously. If you are seeking growth in God, you must start with the unlimited power of God’s Word. Start a daily study of God’s Word and commit quality time to it every single day. You know your peak mental productive time, give some of that time to God daily to study and meditate upon His Word. In fact, that’s the entire reason the 5MC even exists. “To encourage all to grow in God daily through the study of His Word.” The challenge is to spend at least 5 minutes in God’s Word every day for 30 days in a row. Folks, if your looking to grow up in God, it starts with feeding on His Word.

2) Prayer. I’ve heard it said that God speaks to us through His Word and we speak to Him through prayer. This is where we pour our hearts out to God just like Hannah did in 1 Samuel chapter 1. Those whom we love greatly, we will want to communicate with. Frequently, honestly, and sincerely. Talk to God this way. He is your Heavenly Father, your creator, and the lover of your soul. Go to him all throughout your day and cast your cares, fears and anxieties upon Him. As you are only seeing your situation from the ground, God is seeing it from 10,000 feet above. He can see your path, knows exactly where it is going and has comfort for you if you go to Him in prayer. No relationship can grow without effective and frequent communication. If you want to grow in God, develop a powerful prayer life.

3) Discipleship. Are you being discipled or discipling another? This is basically walking through life with another Christ follower and dealing with the obstacles, headaches, and triumphs of life. Living life together. There is tremendous spiritual growth in discipleship. And as I’ve personally learned, I always learn more that I teach. I always get more than I give. You see in the glorious model of discipleship, both parties are blessed by God. Seek out someone to share life with. Have coffee once a week. Zoom once a month. Whether they are older or younger is a moot point, just ask God to bring someone into your life and then be ready to grow in God through discipleship.

4) Service. There is nothing more beautiful than a servant heart. A heart that is ready to serve God through serving others. A heart that is ready to forgo all personal wants and needs to see other’s needs and wants met first. This is the very heart of Christ. The quickest way to get out of yourself and your problems is to get into the life of someone else in need. And don’t just serve when asked, seek out service to God. Your growth in God will jump leaps and bounds as you adopt a heart like Christ and seek to not be served, but to serve.

Folks, this list could go on an on. God has given us countless ways to grow up in Him. To grow as a believer, to grow as a Christian, to grow as a follower of Jesus. In fact, that’s the whole goal, to be more like Jesus. And how can you become more like Him unless you know everything about Him? Today, commit to grow in God. Read, study, pray, disciple, serve, fellowship, and tell others about the saving grace of Christ. Live in these and God will have you growing like a weed.


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