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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Samuel 20 - Small Moments

Several weeks ago we had some dear friends come to Texas for a visit. It was so exciting to see them again, we had not hugged since seeing each other years ago in Maui. (yes, even in the midst of Corona we hugged) I had helped them find a hotel location in Fort Worth, the final decision was the Stockyards district. As we arrived in the area, I remember giving them the overview of where they would be staying, the street names, the landmarks, etc. As we were driving along a historic stretch of Main street, their teenage son asked, “what is this?” I quickly figured out he was speaking about the surface of the street. Historically streets were paved with bricks instead of concrete or asphalt. What was normal back then is indeed quite odd today, the idea of miles of street composed of individual bricks. When I think about it, it amazes me as well. Some man, decades ago, on his knees, carefully laying out individual bricks straight and true. Each one dependent upon the other to ensure the overall success of the whole. It takes a lot of small bricks to make an entire boulevard.

In life, it is no different. Life is many small moments that make the whole. We’d like to think that life hinges and moves on large events. That it’s the big major things that move our lives in certain directions. But it’s small moments that truly shape who we are, what we are and what we become. One single moment of running with the wrong crowd may give a young man a felony record for life. One small moment of mis-directed passion can change a young girl’s life forever. A small moment of that first drink of liquor, can for some, radically shape an entire life. That single moment of first looking at pornography can result in an enslaved life. Single moments of rebellion and anger can form patterns that will mold a life that continues to rebel. And yes, in the biggest of these, one small moment can determine where a soul spends eternity. It is in these small moments, these small bricks, that the larger life is paved.

Today we see a dramatic chapter that involves small moments for David. Small moments that would define him, his life and his future serving God. King Saul’s Godless heart has moved him into a realm of hate for David that will stop at nothing less than his murder. David has already escaped Saul's rage many times thus far and our chapter opens with David sneaking a meeting with his dear friend Jonathan for advice. When we are in dire straits, there is no other place to turn but to friends in which God has knit our hearts. David pours out his heart to Jonathan. “What have I done to deserve your father’s wrath?” What have I done to be driven from my home?” “What have I done to him that has earned me the life of fugitive, constantly in fear?” I imagine that David’s questions in this moment were not only posed to Jonathan but to God as well. “God what have I done to anger you so greatly?” Later in 1 Samuel 23:26, David would indeed utter familiar words to us as his heart desperately seeks to understand God’s plan in his life…”"My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?"

As David is pouring out his soul to both God and Jonathan, he offers a powerful, emotional statement that sums up his current life in a deafening nine words:

“there is but a step between me and death.” 1 Samuel 20:3b

This man of God. This man after God’s own heart. This future King of Israel, lives in constant fear for his life. It doesn’t seem that this would be the life God would choose for a loyal and faithful servant. The reasoning is clear to God. The reasoning is apparent to God. But David must seek and find it. You might find yourself in a similar situation today. Maybe fighting disease or cancer, with death seemingly only a step away. But God is in charge. God has a plan that stretches way beyond your current horizon. Even in the midst of his current turmoil, David trusted God had good for his future.

David wants to come back home, he wants his life back. But as long as Saul sits on the throne, his home is gone. He and Jonathan concoct a secret plan to test the waters of Saul’s heart. To see if Saul has changed his mind concerning David. Jonathan will feel out his dad’s intent and then let David know in a secret archery exercise. If Jonathan shoots the arrow way over where David is hiding, Saul is ready to kill. If the arrow falls short of David’s hiding spot, home sweet home is right around the corner. Countless nights of lonely exile or the loving comforts of home. The decision rests in the small moment of Jonathan simply pulling back a bowstring.

Think of young David here, about 22 years old. Cowered down behind a rock in the middle of a field on the outskirts of Jerusalem. He was the armor bearer to the king. He played music to sooth and calm the king. He ate at the kings table. He had a heart covenant with the kings very son, the crown prince of Israel. He was married to the kings daughter. He had defeated Goliath, the Philistine giant that posed to enslave the nation. He had been victorious in countless battles, a true war hero. Yet, here he sat, hidden, fearing for his life. Fearing the very man he pledged to serve and love. Waiting. Waiting for Jonathan to appear and loose those arrows. Those carefully guided wooden missiles would define his life. A short flight and he would get his life back. A long flight meant a life that offered no direction, no understood purpose, little comfort, and little peace. The life of luxury or the life of a fugitive, decided in an instant. In this moment, David must have been fervently praying for a small moment that never came, as that arrow soared over his head.

Don’t constantly forgo the importance of the small moments in your life as you look for the big moments. My Memaw used to say, “if you want something to look clean, clean the cracks.” My mom has always said, “I let James (my dad) make all the big decisions in our marriage, we just haven’t had any yet.” There’s also common vernacular that says both God and the devil are “in the details.” All of these statements attest to the fact that life is made of many small moments that join together in a distinct way to shape a life. Pay attention to the small moments, for it is in these small moments that God shapes the clay.

Today, if you find yourself far from God, don’t miss another moment to draw near to Him. He is always close, but it is you that must do the moving. If you have never called upon Jesus to redeem you from the sin in your life, there is a small moment that has been waiting for you your entire life. A small moment that was made possible by the work Jesus Christ did upon the Cross 2000 years ago. He came to this world, born of a virgin, lived a life free of sin, and died upon a Cross, the perfect, blemish free sacrifice. A sacrifice for all people, for all time. Just as with David, “there is but a step between us and death.” Death will call upon each of us and we know not when. Today, there is small moment that waits on you. The biggest moment that you can ever grasp, is the one that will deal with where your soul will spend eternity. Call upon Jesus today and experience a small moment that will forever ripple throughout your eternity.

God Bless you.

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