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Writer's pictureDan Potter

1 Samuel 23 - Are You Sure?

How many times in life have you had someone propose an idea that just didn’t seem to cut the mustard? A friend says, let’s go over and bungee jump off this 1,000 foot bridge. Your response is, “are you sure?” Maybe one of your siblings says, lets ride our bikes down the road (even though mom and dad said not to.) Your response might be, “are you really sure about this?” And maybe in your adult life a friend at work says let’s stop off at the strip bar for some drinks after work. It sounds fun but you know it’s not right. Internal conflict happens. Your response is, “are you sure?”

You see, as we experience internal conflict with our life decisions, we seek affirmation. Is what we’re doing the right thing? We know what we want to do, but we need someone else to tell us it’s ok. The real concern here is what crowd are you running with? I had some friends in college that would give their yes to anything you wanted to try. As a result, it seemed like every few minutes I was asking myself one of the above versions of are you sure? But often we experience this internal conflict not just because of right and wrong, but because we simply cannot fathom the situation that has been placed in front of us. Sometimes situations just seem so crazy and half-cocked that our brain has a hard time processing the request. You want me to do what? Maybe the crazy request comes from a friend, a sibling, or even a spouse. But here is a question for you. What if God is the one that makes the crazy request of you?

1 Samuel chapter 23 continues on in the vein of the previous several chapters. Saul is relentlessly pursuing David, hungry to end David's life. And David is running. Running from Saul and along the way trying to make sense of the lessons that God has for him within this crazy madness. In fact, there is a great side lesson about Saul’s reckless and fervent pursuit of David. We’re told in verse 14 of this very chapter that Saul sought David “every day.” You see, Saul was so tied up in his pursuit of David that he was forgetting all about the pursuit of God. Sometimes in our life we get so tied up fighting our meaningless battles, that we are oblivious to the battles God has for us to fight. But that’s another lesson for another day.

As Saul and David play this cat and mouse game, word comes to David that the Israelite village of Keilah is being sacked by the Philistines. By now David’s rag tag army has grown from 400 to 600. David knows that something must be done to protect God’s people at Keilah. How ironic that Saul, the king, would not help Keilah but David, not yet king, was willing to help. A man’s title does nothing to change his heart.

So David, in his great heart for the people, considers bringing his 600 men to defend Keilah. As he ponders, He does the first thing that we all should do when facing a big decision. He goes to the Lord.

“Now they told David, “Behold, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah and are robbing the threshing floors.” Therefore David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I go and attack these Philistines?” And the Lord said to David, “Go and attack the Philistines and save Keilah.” 1 Samuel 23:1-2

God’s answer sounds as clear as a mountain stream, right? But let’s apply some human logic to this. David has 600 men. They have no training, no armor, no weapons, no chariots, no horses, no battle plan and no F-16 air support to back them up. The Philistine army they will be facing? They number in the thousands. They are a professionally trained army. They have the use of iron so that means abundant swords, spears, arrows, axes, and mace. That also means full armor, making them almost impervious to attack. They also have horses and chariots making them swift, agile, and deadly on the offense. David’s motley crew attacking the Philistine army is definitely one the biggest hare-brained ideas ever presented. And as David presents his idea to his men, they agree.

“But David's men said to him, “Behold, we are afraid here in Judah; how much more then if we go to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines?” 1 Samuel 23:3

Did you see it? The “are you sure about this?” from David’s men. You see, in their limited human logic they saw a situation that defied that very logic. But what they weren’t doing was seeing it from a very different perspective. The perspective of Almighty God. But the danger of asking “are you sure” is twofold. It can affect the heart of the party saying it as well as the heart of the party hearing it. It displays the doubt of the followers, but can also sow that doubt into the leader. As the scared men ask David if he is sure, he himself begins to doubt the crazy plan. (maybe they’re right, we could all get killed!) But in a true display of David’s heart for God, he doesn’t give up on the plan. He doesn’t cower in fear before a seemingly impervious enemy. He doesn’t out of fear, refuse to move forward in obedience. In a beautiful gesture, he simply goes back to God.

“Then David inquired of the Lord again. And the Lord answered him, “Arise, go down to Keilah, for I will give the Philistines into your hand.” And David and his men went to Keilah and fought with the Philistines and brought away their livestock and struck them with a great blow. So, David saved the inhabitants of Keilah.” 1 Samuel 23:4-5

Folks, God has plans for your life that reach far above your pay grade. And these plans will require some things of you that will not make any sense to you in the moment. Some will seem unattainable, some will seem impossible and yes, some will seem downright crazy. Attack an entire army with only 600 unarmed men? With God it is possible, believe it. Is God calling you to a new job today that is less pay but brings you closer to Him? It is possible with God, believe it. Is God calling you to a higher level of service for Him, but you don’t feel qualified? God will make it happen, believe it. Is God calling you to begin an intense daily study of His Word that seems like it just will not fit into your hectic, busy schedule? Believe it, God can make it happen. Is God calling you to dump a sin or addiction in your life that seems impossible for you to give up? Believe it, with God it is possible.

You see, as God presents His crazy-good ambitious plans to us, it will only be natural for us to respond with “are you sure God?” And that’s ok. But don’t stop there. Go back to God just as David did. God will be happy to clarify His plans to an obedient heart. He knows your heart better than you do; He wants your heart to pour all of it’s belief into Him. Keep going to God until the question is no longer, are you sure God, but that question turns into a bold statement. With God, all things are possible in my life.

“Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

As God makes the impossible possible in your life today, praise Him…for He is worthy.

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