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Writer's pictureDan Potter

The Way to Revival - 2 Chronicles 17

Updated: Feb 18, 2023

“They taught throughout Judah, taking with them the Book of the Law of the Lord; they went around to all the towns of Judah and taught the people. And the fear of the Lord fell on all the kingdoms of the lands surrounding Judah...” 2 Chronicles 17:9-10

Revival, from the root to revive - an improvement in the condition or strength of something, to bring something back to life, the restoration of something to its true nature and purpose, to give something life where there was none, to awaken something that was asleep.

Us Christians hear much of revival in the church throughout its history, that being, a moment in time when a nation or people group strayed far from God and needed to be brought back into a close relationship with Him. But just exactly how does a true revival initiate? How are a people or an entire region awakened from their sinful slumber and brought back in to into the righteous path God has for them to walk in? It happens through teaching, studying, and eventually, personal obedience to the Word of God among the people. All the people. And beyond that, revival happens not one city at a time, not a state or region at a time…but one heart at a time.

One heart at a time that is awakened to the glory of the scriptures. One heart that develops a hunger and a thirst for the truth and righteousness of God’s Holy Word and is then moved to not just hear what those Words say, but to do what they say. And revival begins as one scripture-affected heart touches another, and then another, until you see the fire of a Holy-Spirit fueled awakening sweep the land. You see, the power of God’s Word lies not just in its personal instruction for one life, it moves well beyond. God’s Word instructs one in not just how to personally love and follow Him in obedience, it teaches that heart how to love others in a way that will please God. A Godly recipe for societal harmony, peace, and goodness.

Here in 2 Chronicles chapter 17, we see the good King Jehoshaphat initiate revival in the land of Judah. And how does he do that? He sends out teams of teachers equipped with the Word of God to teach all of the people. It was like a travelling church, teaching the people in the land the very Word of God and then instructing them how to apply it to their daily lives. Novel. And folks, the Word of God will not return void (Isaiah 55:11) When the Word of God is given out and taught, God will see to it that it accomplishes the goal He has for His kingdom. Our job? To simply give out and teach the Word of God. But before you can teach it, you have to gain knowledge in it. And how do you do that? Time. Daily time spent praying, studying, reading, and meditating upon it.

If you want to get busy today starting a plan to hear God speak to you through His Word, do this. Start by finding a quiet place for your Bible study time and pray. Pray to God to unleash His Holy Spirit and bless His Word unto the recesses of your heart. Then don’t just read your Bible, study it. I recommend a good Bible study commentary such as the one I include in the current 5MC posts each day, And then as you allow the Holy Spirit to permeate your heart with His Words and speak His message into your life, meditate upon those Words day and night. Write them down and keep them closer than the words of this world. Then, with God's Word close in your heart and mind, you will be able to relay His Words to the people God places in your life. You see, it’s not only the job of a pastor, it’s not only the job of a missionary, it’s not only the job of an evangelist, it’s the job of every believer in Christ to simply give out the Word of God. To sew the Word of God into the world and allow God to use it to awaken dead souls that are seeking true life in Him through His only son Jesus Christ. For how can the world know of Jesus if no one tells them.

Revival is waiting for the nation that teaches and embraces the Holy instruction of Almighty God.

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My Word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:10-11

A frost bitten berry...Richmond, Virginia

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