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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 18 - The First Step

“But Jehoshaphat also said to the king of Israel, "First seek the counsel of the LORD." 2 Chronicles 18:4

A big decision lies ahead. It has been thrust upon you. It’s unwanted, but it must be dealt with. Much hinges upon its outcome. What is step one for you as you deal with it? Talk to your parents? Talk to friends? Google it? Or for some, would you dare pray to God about it? Would you try talking to God first about a big decision in your life? I mean, what if He doesn’t answer you back within 15 minutes, what do you do then? What if His answer doesn’t completely jive with the way you’re leaning, can you still go your own way and get a raincheck on His suggestion later? We see good King Jehoshaphat get himself into a little bit of a fix in 2 Chronicles chapter 18. In an effort to protect his kingdom in the south, Judah, he aligns himself with evil King Ahab from the North. The two agree to partner together against their common enemy, Syria. But as they ready for the battle, the two kings have very different first steps. Ahab consults his own team of false prophets, 400 hired hands that are the definition of yes men. All 400 tell the king to advance in his battle plans for their god has guaranteed him the victory. But as they are strapping on their breastplates and grabbing their shields, Jehoshaphat is standing in awe at the scene. He basically asks Ahab, are you going to just believe what they’re telling you or are you really going to ask God? So, they summon Micaiah, a true man of God. And where was he? In Ahab’s prison because he only told Ahab the truth, and the truth was always opposite what Ahab wanted to hear. (that’s an entirely different lesson) In life, when you’re confronted with a decision, is your step one to inquire of the Lord? As life presents us decisions, some difficult, our instant reaction should be to consult the Lord. He knows the outcome already so why not ask Him which direction is best for you? Today, whatever decision you are wrestling with, ask God what he wants and then wait. Walk in patience as you wait for an answer from the Lord. For in this way, you can rest in the assurance that you are walking in the ways that the Lord has planned for you. When it comes to your daily decisions, make your first step a step in the right direction, a step towards God.

“Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand.” Proverbs 19:21

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow", says the Lord." Isaiah 1:18 ~ Richmond, Virginia

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