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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 19 - Setting Your Heart to Autopilot

“…set your heart to seek God…” 2 Chronicles 19:3

You’ve got habits and I’ve got habits. Certain things that we do that just happen without thinking. They occur without processing and without notice. How did those personal habits come to fruition? Desire, repetition, and allowance. We first desired the action at some point. We then repeated the desired act to formation through repetition. We then we allow it to continue. A 2009 study says that a new habit takes an average of 66 days to cement in place. That means being intentional with said act every single day for 66 days in a row. No small feat depending on the act. But the study also says this is not a one size fits all number. Most people were found to build new habits between 18 and 254 days. Where do you range? We see that good King Jehoshaphat’s habit of seeking the Lord endured even when he strayed from God. That’s the great thing about a good habit, even when we stray from them, the autopilot nature of them will bring us safely to the runway. The most important habit that you can build in this life is one of seeking the Lord. That is, an active daily process of realizing your great need to be close to God. And folks, in this process of drawing close to God each day, it is you that must do the moving. For me there are four main components of drawing near to God that I seek each and every day. And praise be to God, some have become such a habit for me that they are almost fully automatic, pulling me through tough days before I even knew they would be tough. 1) Deep study and meditation on His Word. God left us a miracle of wisdom, encouragement, instruction, praise, correction, guidance, and redemption…all you have to do is pick it up and absorb it through the power of His Holy Spirit. We are called by God to know His Word and then simply give it out to the world around us. How can you give something out in which you do not first possess? 2) Prayer. I’ve heard it said that studying God’s Word is allowing God to speak to your heart, but prayer allows your heart to speak to God. Be in deep prayer daily, all day. And don’t just monopolize your prayer time asking God for personal stuff, tell God you love Him, tell God your thankful for the countless blessings He pours upon you. But most importantly, petition God for other’s needs. Pray more for others than you do yourself. 3) Serve. God commands us to love others more than ourselves and when our obedience to that command fully manifests, our hands will spring into action serving others. Make it a daily habit to serve others before you seek to be served. This is a habit that will warm your heart as God reveals to you the human needs He places around you, situations just for you, needs just for you to fill. 4) Fellowship. The journey of a Christ follower is tough, you’ll need great help and encouragement, and God has provided it in your brothers and sisters in Christ. Reach out to them, spend time with them, invest in their lives, share the burden, build each other up, live life seeking God together, and do it daily. I pray today that your autopilot is set to seeking God each and every day that you draw in His air. It is a Holy Spirit inspired habit that will see you through the countless tough times that lie ahead. Walk closely with God and allow His Holy presence to usher you into the abundant life that He promises.

“I love those who love me, and those who diligently seek me will find me.” Proverbs 8:17

Copse in white, Richmond, Virginia

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