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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 23 - The Evil Queen

“And when she looked, there was the (new) king…and she cried out, treason!” 2 Chronicles 23:13

We’re all familiar with the rather formulaic ingredients of a Disney fairy tale. A damsel in distress, a charming prince and a fairy tale wedding that ensues after he rescues her. And usually somewhere in the middle is an evil queen that wants to throw a wrench in their gears. Sleeping Beauty had Maleficent, Snow White had the wicked queen, and Alice in Wonderland had the evil queen of hearts. That’s quite the all-star roster of villainous queens. But did you know that God’s Word has quite the evil queen as well? As bad king Ahaziah took the reins of king, his mother Athaliah was quite ready to help him rule. Athaliah’s parents were none other than Ahab and Jezebel, possibly the most wicked and evil couple in the entire Bible. And it seems she learned her wicked ways from not one of them, but both of them. Women were not allowed to rule and so she created the next best situation, running it through her son. We’re told that she was a wicked counselor to her son, encouraging him to litter the kingdom with idols that satisfied fleshly sinful desires, altars to false gods, and rampant sexual immorality. And to ensure that she could continue her wicked reign, she assassinated all of her heirs that could ever take the throne from her and her son. That is, all but one. One single heir of David survived, young 6-year-old Joash. And in a dramatic coup we see God orchestrate the taking of the throne through the prophet Jehoiada. But why would the kingdom allow the evil queen Athaliah to unjustly rule for over 6 years? Because they saw no other way. They saw no other alternative. But before you go too far and see this as just another Old Testament story, ponder this. How many in our world today are living under the evil rule of satan because they see no other way? Sin has taken control of their lives and they are in bondage to the point they have been institutionalized by it. Maybe it’s the throes of alcohol or drug addiction that has them shackled to their sin. Maybe it’s the constant call of pornography that has them tied to a life of spiraling shame and guilt. Maybe living in pride and selfishness has such a grip on them that they can only see themselves in life’s mirror. But there is another way to live, there is a way to freedom…Jesus Christ. Jesus has the power to break the bonds of sin, not only through eternal salvation, but in this daily walk we call life. Admit to Jesus that your sin is an evil ruler in your life and that you desire freedom from it. Admit your sin to Jesus and ask Him to save you from its oppressive rule. He is faithful to save all that call upon His name. Make today the day you allow Jesus to reclaim the throne of your heart and set you free from your evil ruler.

“For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2

Color among the colorless, Richmond, VA

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