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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 25 - A Compromised Heart

“And he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, yet not with a whole heart.” 2 Chronicles 25:2

The human heart has a master. A master that controls it like a puppet on a string. And only the one that possesses that heart truly knows whom it is. You see, the human heart, the core of what we believe, how we live, and whom we love and serve, drives our lives. It is the very center of us, the nucleus, the inward source of what we believe that is so strong, it moves our hands and feet in obedience to it. What lies in the heart will be seen in the life. In 2 Chronicles 25 we see a heart on the fence, a heart compromised. King Amaziah moved back and forth between the realms of worldly worship and Godly worship. A heart that waffled between good and bad. As soon as he secured the throne in the name of God, he located and killed the all the children of the men that assassinated his father. A compromised heart will seek to deliver the justice that serves self. In doing this he broke the commands of God that children should not die because of the sins of their fathers. A compromised heart will reason with the Word of God to secure its own way. Amaziah then seeks to wage war against a neighboring enemy using mercenaries from the sin-steeped city of Israel in the north. But as a prophet of God warns him to abstain from using the mercenaries, he heeds the Words of God. A compromised heart will, at times, listen and hear God, but on what occasion will the compromised heart choose to listen? Yet after God gives the victory over his enemies, king Amaziah’s compromised heart brings the idols of the conquered back into Judah, worshiping them and making offerings to them. The compromised heart is fickle, serving whatever god will offer it the desires of the flesh in that day. Today, are you walking this world with a compromised heart? Are you serving whatever god offers you the satisfaction you desire in the day? Money will offer you great things, but there will never be enough to complete the job. Power will promise you control over others, power that alienates and isolates. Sexual immorality offers you instant gratification, gratification that hounds every breath onward. Pride will offer you the delusion of control over your life, control that must be perpetually chased and never caught. Whatever idol may be calling you today, refuse to listen, refuse to heed it’s call. You see, the only way to combat the compromised heart is to give control of that heart away. To instead allow Almighty God to sit on the throne of that heart. And you can do that today. Call out to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask him to transform your heart from one that is compromised to one that is pure. Jesus alone can alter your heart and change it at its core. Ask Jesus to save you from the sin that drives and controls your heart and instead allow Him to rule your heart. And as you do, He will cleanse your heart and remove the desire to worship the things of this world. He will gift you a new heart, a heart based upon seeking His desires, not your own. For only in this way can you conquer the compromised heart…and live with one that beats true for Christ.

“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1 Timothy 1:5

the high ground, Richmond, VA

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