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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 26 - A Good Finish

“But when he was strong, he grew proud…” 2 Chronicles 26:16

Finishing well. A key to any race, a key to any task, a key to any career, and yes, imperative in serving the Lord. The start and the middle of the race are important, but the finish is key. In life many like to get a good start and then cruise along, letting the wind in their sails from their yesterdays carry them along through their tomorrows. But there is always a threat. A threat of letting that momentum, that wind in your sails, become your own. After all, if you’re sailing through life on cruise control, who is really guiding and in whose power are you sailing? We see in 2 Chronicles 26 just such a story. King Uzziah took the throne at only 16 years young and held it for 52 years. And he started his reign in the strength of the Lord. He did what was right in the eyes of God. He amassed a great army and with the help of the Lord, fought and conquered the enemies of God’s people. The spoils of war allowed him to outfit the army with cutting edge technology. Shields, spears, helmets, coats of mail, bows and slings, all modern, all new, and all very effective. He was famous for building sentry towers and parapets along the walls of Jerusalem, the first time this type of fortification had been added. We’re even told he was the first to install “new inventions” at these strategic points on the walls that could shoot arrows and great stones. If they were some sort of catapult or trebuchet it would have been the first in history. Uzziah started well and grew strong with the blessing of the Lord. And we’re told the fame of his strength grew far and wide throughout the land. But in a fall that resembles a shooting star tumbling down through the atmosphere, Uzziah fell. His finish would not resemble his start. He grew to believe his great strength belonged to him and not the Lord. A threat that we see all over our world today. It could be leaders in business, politics or yes, even religion. It could be a random prideful husband in Missouri. It could be a strong single woman in Ohio. It can be anyone anywhere that allows their own personal view of their strength to outgrow the strength of God. And when this plateau is attained, the finish is in jeopardy. You see, as Uzziah grew strong, so did his pride, his ego, and his arrogance. And when this trio grows strong, our faith in God grows weak. Uzziah barges into the temple and brings his own sacrifice to God. What was expressly to be the task of a Levite priest, Uzziah does himself. He arrogantly approaches God in his own strength. The king that started out so strong is stricken with leprosy by God and dies alone, a lonely societal castoff...powerless. No matter how you see your start today, don’t take your finish for granted. Your power rests in the Lord, your abilities rest in the Lord, your wisdom and guidance are not yours, only on gracious loan from God. Finishing strong is important, but finish not in your own power. Instead, cross the finish line recognizing and running in the abundant and unlimited power of Almighty God.

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24

forest berries, Richmond, VA

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