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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 31 - It Ain't Rocket Science

And Hezekiah did as was written in the Law of the Lord…that they might give themselves to the Law of the Lord. 2 Chronicles 31

The other day I met a guy and found out he was an electrical engineer on missiles. Of course, I quipped, “wow, rocket science, huh?” As we were talking another guy sauntered up and joined the conversation. It turned out he was a brain surgeon, so reveling in my luck I quipped, “wow, brain surgery, huh?” Without missing a beat, he looked at me and then the other guy and said, “hey, it’s just brain surgery, it’s not rocket science.” Maybe not an entirely true story but it proves the point that there are some very smart people that do some very complicated things in this life. But in their familiarity with their own profession, other things can look even more complicated. But do you know what the glory of following the Lord Jesus Christ is? It’s neither rocket science nor brain surgery. In fact, God made following Him as simple as pie. We see in 2 Chronicles 31 that good king Hezekiah got it. He figured out what most on this planet today cannot figure out. Following the Lord is not rocket science. It’s not some confusing conflux of equations, aerodynamic theory, and inertia. God left us His Word, that is His Law, and He made it as simple as words on a page. As king Hezekiah shows us, all you have to do is read them and do them. And it is in this simplicity, that most get completely lost. Are you reading what God’s Word says? When was the last time you picked up God’s instruction manual for this life, the Bible? If you’re not reading it, studying it, and meditating on it through the power of His Holy spirit, you have no idea of what it says and therefore, how to apply it to your life. And if you do read God’s Word and study it but you fail to apply it to your daily life, well, you’re making the simple complicated. Don’t make something God intended to be simple difficult. God made the way to Heaven as simple as one, two, three. One, believe that Jesus is the only Son of God, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and died on a Cross and was raised three days later. Two, believe in faith that Jesus’ work upon that cross and His defeat of death can and will save you and all that call upon His name from the death penalty of their sin against a righteous God. And three, believe that as you are redeemed by Christ, that His Holy Spirit will now come to live within you, guiding you, convicting you of sin, and prompting you to share that saving gospel promise with all other people that God puts in your path. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it’s free, because Jesus paid it all. Today, take advantage of that simplicity and call upon the name of Christ. Find a life that is no longer complicated but one that is simple in allowing the joy, freedom, and peace of Jesus Christ to be the foundation of your life. Thank you Jesus, that you made redemption and salvation easy for those that call upon your name in faith. Thank you, Heavenly Father, that you gave us not only the Word in your Son Jesus, but you left us the power of your Holy Word, so that in its simplicity, we could find abundant life as we work for your kingdom on this planet. Thank you Lord, that you love us so much that you make a way for us to spend eternity in Heaven with you. And oh, what a beautiful day that will be when those that have called upon Christ can gaze upon His face in eternal worship. Oh, what a day indeed.

“O Lord, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” Psalm 131:1-2

Blue skies smilin', Richmond, VA

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