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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 35 - And I Will Pass Through the Land

“No Passover like it had been kept in Israel since the days of Samuel the prophet.” 2 Chronicles 35:18

Because of their disobedience to the Law of the Lord, the Israelite nation found themselves in Egyptian captivity for some 400 years, slave labor to another nation. They cried out to the Lord in their slavery. And as they did, God raised up a man to lead them out of bondage and into freedom. Moses. Moses demands that the Pharaoh of Egypt set God’s people free. Pharaoh with his hard heart towards the Lord, refuses. God sends 9 plagues to move a hard heart. Destruction, famine, and death rack the land, yet the hard heart of Pharaoh will not relent. Then God sends the tenth and final plague, the death of all firstborn sons in Egypt. But as God is doing business with Pharaoh, He makes a way for those that believe and follow Him to be saved from the imminent death. He instructs Moses to have each Israelite family that calls upon the name of God to secure a lamb. A personal lamb. The lamb must be spotless, blemish-free, and without defect. They are to keep their lamb in their household for 14 days. After that they are to slaughter the lamb and apply its blood to the doorframe of their front door. It is a sign, a marker, a delineation. A sign that the souls in that dwelling belong to God. For you see, God will pass through the land of Egypt that night dealing the blow of death to all firstborn sons in Egypt. For those that do not have the blood, death is eminent. But He will Passover the houses that have faith in the blood of the Lamb. We see in 2 Chronicles 35 that good King Josiah reinstitutes the celebration of the Passover that had long been forgotten. A celebration of the night that God passed through the land and executed judgment on those that stood against Him and freed those that believed in the power of the blood. The Passover today still calls to lives lived in bondage to slavery…slavery to sin. Its message continues to speak of life, redemption, and freedom. You see, every life born onto this planet arrives with a nature to rebel and sin against what God asks. Humans are incapable to perfectly do what is good and right before God. Have you told even one lie in your lifetime? Then you are a sinner. And one sin is enough to separate you from a perfect, sinless righteous God. So how do you get to God with sin in your life? God the Father that instituted the Passover also sent another Lamb. The Lamb of God that was sent to take away the sins of the world, His only Son, Jesus Christ. And God sacrificed Jesus just as those Passover lambs, hanging Him on a Cross, His precious atoning blood spilling for all. All those that call upon His name as Lord and Savior of their lives will see His precious blood save their life. Have you dealt with your sin? Have you admitted that your sin will keep you out of a perfect eternal relationship with God? Call upon the name of the Lamb of God today and allow the blood of Jesus Christ to grant you freedom from the death penalty of your sin. For God wants that none should perish, but that all should come to eternal life through calling upon His Son Jesus. The perfect Lamb has been offered upon a Cross, call upon Jesus today and experience a new life. A life that will be ushered into Heaven to worship at the feet of Jesus for eternity. Thank you Father for the saving blood of the Lamb.

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.” 1 Peter 1:18-21 NIV

delicate blooms, Fort Worth, TX

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