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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 6 - A Heart Known

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

“…then hear from heaven your dwelling place and forgive and render to each whose heart you know, according to all his ways, for you, you only, know the hearts of the children of mankind, that they may fear you and walk in your ways all the days that they live…” 2 Chronicles 6:30-31

You have one thing to offer God…your heart. The core of your being, the very foundation of who you are. What you think, how you act, the words you use; they all flow from the recesses of your heart. How you view and treat the 7.8 billion lives in this world is indicative of how each beat of your heart flows. And when it flows with the love of Christ, oh how sweet the melody of life can be. Did you know that you are personally responsible for the condition of the heart that you offer to God? And you control the condition of your heart by controlling what goes into it. And in the flux of that incoming flood, God sees it all. God peers deep into the thoughts and intentions of your heart before they ever manifest into your words, deeds, and actions. Are you gorging on the hate, gossip, and animosity that the world sews each day? If so, your heart will only serve what it has been given. Are you holding onto grudges and feuds that should be released with a humble apology? Holding the torch of bitterness and unforgiveness burns only the hand that holds it. Today, at all costs, protect what flows into your heart. Fiercely protect what images your eyes see, what sentences enter your mind and what thoughts are allowed to occupy your psyche. Instead of feasting on the world, feast on the Word of God, indulge in the power of prayer, and feed on the practice of loving all that you meet. Refuse the world and abide in Christ. For only in this way can you offer the pure heart that God desires to use in the building of His kingdom. Walk in the ways of God, meditate on His Word day and night, serve the world that surrounds you. This is the heart that God desires.

“He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation”

Psalm 24:4-5

Richmond, Virginia

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