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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Chronicles 8 - The Duty of Each Day

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

“…as the duty of each day required…” 1 Chronicles 8:13, 14

It takes the Earth 24 hours to rotate on its axis. That makes one complete Earth day. Every single one of the 7.8 billion people on this planet have the same 24 hours to do what they deem needs to be done. As you move through your 24 hours, where does your duty to God fit in? Priority wise, is it in your top 10? Top 25? Top 100? Doesn’t make the list? Did you know that the spiritual condition of your heart also revolves on a 24-hour basis? In fact, as I often wonder why God made the day 24 hours long, it seems to be the perfect amount of time to serve Him, worship Him, and learn more about him before you reset for your tomorrow. In the Old Testament the worship of God was a daily affair. The day was centered around the worship and praise of Almighty God. Our key verse tells us that each day Solomon required sacrifice, offerings, praise, and worship to God as was instructed to Moses by God way back in the book of Genesis. Each day required great attention to God, and today, the requirements are no less. Each and every day those redeemed by Christ are required to learn more about Him and draw closer to Him through careful study and application of His Word. Each and every day the disciple of Christ is to humbly kneel before Him and offer up the prayerful needs of their hearts. Each and every day the follower of Jesus is to confess and repent from the sin in that life, thereby reducing the distance the world seeks to insert between the believer and their Savior. And each and every day those redeemed by Christ are to display their Messiah to all others in this world by allowing the light of Christ to shine through their lives. It’s not a weekly duty, it’s not a monthly duty, it’s a daily duty. I pray today that as you rise for your 24 hours, Jesus Christ will be the center of it…it is after all, the duty of each day.

“Then he said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23

Richmond, Virginia

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