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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Corinthians 1

Good morning and welcome to November! Now that Halloween is officially over we enter the season of ‘Thanks-Christmas’, that hybrid season retail stores have created by rushing into Christmas. I went over to have lunch with Margie at Hulen Mall a few days ago and they already had the full ‘Santa’s Workshop’ set up where kids take pictures with Santa. That was on October 29! I think most everybody loves Christmas and the sweet memories, warm feelings and bright moments that it brings. But at the heart of Christmas is the first 6 letters of the word…Christ. People are in a rush to ‘celebrate’ Christmas but isn’t everyday Christmas? Isn’t everyday the day we celebrate the arrival of our Savior. I think people are really in a hurry to celebrate gifts, lights, trees, food and over-decorating their homes with stuff made in China. To properly celebrate Christmas, we should celebrate Jesus Christ. Oh, how our world needs that message at this time of the year.

Our new little home has a cozy wood-burning fireplace and today we are having some firewood delivered. There is not much we enjoy more than a nice crackling fire that warms the house along with your bones. We’re looking forward to some quiet time by the fire with a book on a fiercely cold, dim winter’s day, that’s something that you simply couldn’t do on Maui. It’s kinda funny how God’s basic elements can feed the soul like no other. The feel of the sun and a warm, gentle breeze on your face delights you deep inside. To sit next to the warmth of a roaring fire speaks to the inner being. To jump into a cool pool of water on a hot day refreshes a tired spirit. God did such good work, I praise Him for the glory of these precious creations.

This morning we start a new book in the Word of God. Today we will open the book of 2 Corinthians. It’s not too hard to figure out that this is the second book that Paul writes to the church at Corinth. Paul wrote the first letter to them from Ephesus while he was ministering there. In this letter Paul is still wanting to come see them but it’s just not God’s Will, so he writes them this letter to encourage them. Paul writes this letter from Philippi, and he primarily deals with the conditions of ministry within the church.

In chapter 1 Paul tells the church of his travels and also touches heavily on God’s comfort. Let’s focus a bit on the comfort of God. In verses 3-7 Paul uses the word comfort 10 times! When God uses a word twice in a passage its important, three times very important, but 10 times? I would say that God wants us to thoroughly understand His comfort and all it entails in these verses.

When we think of comfort we think of many things. I usually revert to physical comfort. A comfortable chair, a comfortable pair of shoes, a comfy airplane seat (just kidding, those don’t exist) But what is REAL comfort? Real comfort comes from the Lord and it affects us internally, not externally. True comfort is the presence of the living God within us.

It’s interesting to note that the Greek root of the word comfort is ‘parakaleo’ which means ‘to call alongside of.’ It’s also important to note that in Greek the Holy Spirit is called ‘paraclete’, basically from the same root. Now remember back to John 16:7 when Jesus is foretelling the disciples about His death and resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

“Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” (John 16:7 KJV)

So, we have Paul mention the word comfort 10 times in 7 verses and we see that the Holy Spirit is ‘the’ comforter. This is great way to see and fully understand that our ‘comfort’ rests in God. The spirit of God that lives within every Christ follower is what generates true comfort in our lives.

So why do we need comforting? If God loves us couldn’t He just make our lives perfect with nary a problem, trial, heartache or sickness? Yes, but.....listen to this.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Cor 1:3-4)

Some of the best leaders and managers I’ve ever worked with had experienced some of the toughest challenges. Some of the best Pastors I’ve ever heard speak had travelled the toughest paths. Some of the best parents I’ve ever met have faced countless struggles with their children. Some of the sweetest married couples I have ever talked to have walked the extreme highs and lows of the marriage journey. In each one of these scenarios if I were to offer them today the choice to skip the hardships, I know what their answer would be. It’s the hardships, the trials, the challenges that make us who we are. It’s the tears, the anger, the frustration, that changes how we deal with people and problems the next time they appear. It’s a process. God is aware of this process, He created it. He puts these trials and tribulations in front of us to mold us. To shape us into the servant that He desires us to be.

But He does not leave us on our own to deal with these. He does not leave us unprepared. In fact He more than equips us to deal with them perfectly. He gives us a Helper. He gives us a comforter. He gives us His Holy Spirit. Praise God for His Holy Spirit that lives within us and offers us help and comfort when we need it most.

But what about the point of these trials? Why? Let’s go back to the verses above…” so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” It’s all about experience. In my new job as I’m teaching some of the learning elements, we use a lot of ‘experiential learning’ techniques. Learning by doing. Our God is an experiential teacher. He teaches us by having us ‘do.’ Through this process when God puts others in our lives that may be undergoing some similar trial, we are equipped to help. What a beautiful plan God has to offer us comfort through His Holy Spirit and then equip us to comfort others through our experiences.

Praise God for His Word. Praise god for His Holy Spirit. Praise God for His comfort. Praise God for the trials He puts before us. Praise God for empowering us to help others as a result.

I pray that your personal time in God’s Word today offers you comfort and empowers you to offer that same comfort to another that you see struggling. It’s God’s plan.

My God’s grace and peace rest upon you today.

Our butterfly tree works!

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