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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Corinthians 4

Good morning and happy Tuesday….Taco Tuesday that is. I think the day somebody married tacos to Tuesday, the day of Tuesday got just a little bit better. I mean tacos make everything better right? I saw a great shirt the other day that said “Eat tacos like everyday is Tuesday.” Ha, tru dat!

We had a great event at our church last night and I was so blessed to be asked to serve. The Fall Ball was a nice catered dinner that allowed 15 families, kids and all, to have a nice “semi-formal” sit down meal together. For those of you with small kids, you know that is quite the rarity. We had Disney showtunes on a piano, soft lighting, fully set tables and beautiful centerpieces. It was so great to watch the mom’s faces light up as they saw their families being treated to a beautiful 'meal experience' together. The meal experience in God’s Word was always meant to be more than just feeding yourself. It was one of God’s highest forms of communion with Him as well as others. In a world of ‘fast food’ where eating is quick, thoughtless and selfish, what I saw last night is definitely not the norm today. Every table had a ‘host’ that cared for the family and kept the conversation lively. That’s where I served and what a blessing I received. I dined with a great family that had two adorable boys, Evan 7 and Aidan 9. If you think that the family unit is doomed in America today, you should have been in that room last night. I saw parents that loved God. I saw kids that loved learning about Jesus. I saw well behaved and respectful children. I saw families that were built on God. I saw families built the way God intended, on His Word and His Love. What a blessing indeed to see God allowed to be the head of the family.

This morning we’re in 2 Corinthians 4 and what great chapter it is. Paul tells us of what it means to serve Christ and give out the Word of God. What it means to suffer, endure and take joy in the blessing we have that we are able to speak of God’s Word to others. Many Christians today honestly believe that their job is to show up a few Sundays a month, sit in a pew and listen to the Pastor drag on about the bible and then speed off to lunch at Olive Garden. They believe that giving out God’s Word is a job and that job starts and stops with the Pastor. That’s his job, he’s paid to do it, end of story. That’s not what God’s Word tells us and not so much what Paul tells us here in chapter 4. As a follower of Jesus Christ, we all have one main job, to show others the love and hope that rests in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And how do you do that? You simply give out the Word of God.

Again, many people think that giving out the Word of God is the Preacher standing on stage on Sunday mornings talking for 30 minutes. When you think about the minutes in a week (10,080) that’s a very miniscule portion of the week. How is God’s Word going out the other 10,050 minutes in the week?

So here’s a personal question for you. What are you doing today to simply give out the Word of God? Are you living in a way that promotes the Word of God? Yes, that’s giving out the Word of God, it’s witnessing, it’s living a ‘wordless sermon.’ What does your ‘wordless sermon’ say to others about Christ today? You might have the gift of making money. Do you use the money to send out the Word of God? Perhaps you are man or woman of prayer. Do you use it to intercede for those who preach and teach the Word of God? Do you have contact with somebody today that no one else can reach? Maybe you can reach that person that will listen to no one else. You see, whether we want to admit it or not, if we claim to be a Christian we ARE giving out the Word of God. It’s just that we are either preaching for Him or against Him. In our words and actions are the keys to the Gospel going out to this world.

Here’s a quick story for you. There is an apartment complex across the highway from our church building. You can see it easily from the church, in fact it’s walking distance. Several years ago, the US government leased the entire complex and started using it to house refugees from the Middle East that were in extreme danger. Seeing an opportunity to welcome these families with the love of Christ, one lady at Southcliff started a ministry called World Friends Ambassadors. It welcomed the families with huge baskets of essentials such as toiletries, paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc. You see, many had to leave their homes quickly, some in the middle of the night with no notice, maybe even with only the clothes on their backs. Can you imagine? Not only leaving your homeland but your house, your family, your clothes, your possessions and even in some cases your kids. Margie and I worked in this ministry and it was both touching and heart-breaking to see that no matter where the life was from, it still experienced fear, anguish and despair. They needed love, comfort and peace. Now the story is not about this ministry, believe it or not, but another.

As the refugees were greeted the need was brought up about English lessons or classes. You see these people were now in America and had a great desire to learn the language and become a part of society. A few people at Southcliff saw the need and started some very remedial English as a second language classes. The people would walk across the street on Tuesday nights, receive free English lessons, have a snack, enjoy free child care and then practice some of their new english reading bible verses. They even have a big free Thanksgiving dinner every Fall to offer the refugees a ‘taste of America.’ Margie and I have served in this program as well. What a beautiful group of people that so need to see love and encouragement. God loves these people just like you and I and He so desires for them to hear about Him and His son Jesus.

The program sounds like an English teaching program but my friends it all started with a few people and a passion for simply giving out the Word of God. You want to hear something crazy? In the last few years the program has grown to be the single largest ESL program in all of Tarrant county! You see simply following the desire to give out the Word of God mistakenly created the largest ESL program in Fort Worth and is as a by-product, teaching English to those that are desperately wanting to integrate into their new world. Only God can script this stuff, right?

The definition of an entrepreneur is someone that simply sees a need and fills it. Usually for a profit. We should be seeing ourselves as entrepreneurs for Christ. Seeing a need for Christ and then simply letting Christ use us to fill it. My friends, where God’s Word goes out He WILL be glorified. “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11 NIV)

I hope that today you make a choice. A choice to simply give out the Word of God. It’s not an easy choice. It’s not the choice the world makes or even wants. Nothing happens without us first making a choice. Choose to bless someone today by sharing the love of Christ with them. So many are trapped in a cycle of darkness, despair and hopelessness, it might be the only glimmer of hope and love they hear today. You hold the message that holds life. Yes, my friends, as a follower of Christ you wield that power.

God bless your ministry today, whatever it may be.

Snapped this on Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Oahu

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