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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Kings 11 - Protection From What You Can't See

It’s a fact of life that has been and always will be, the precious gift of life can be taken in the blink of an eye. We have seen just this year that an estimated 1.2 million people globally have lost their lives to covid 19. A cause of death that didn’t even exist 2 years ago. The number one cause of death globally is heart disease, its death grip takes an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. Add to this all the other diseases, car accidents, murder, cancer, and natural disasters and, well, you get the picture. By the way, you’re welcome for such an upbeat intro.

As all of this danger and threat lurks about, we seek protection. During the pandemic you see quarantining, mask wearing and people working from home. For folks that live in tornado alley they build storm shelters that will protect them from the ravaging wind. And sadly, for people in very violent areas, they carry weapons to protect them from people desiring to do them great harm. But when you think about true and absolute personal protection, do you think you can achieve it? I mean, as careful as you can be, Mr. Corona could come calling and you would never know what hit you. I had some friends at church that had a repair done at their house, and even with all the proper precautions, caught corona form the worker. The idea that we can somehow provide ourselves perfect protection in a world that won’t allow it, is rather comical if you really consider it. We live in a world that consumes life; how then can we propose to hold the power to stop it?

Today we approach 2 Kings chapter 11, and we will see numerous examples of just how rough life can be. During this stretch of Israelite history it was rather unhealthy to be a king. Similar to being a Roman emperor, if you were an Israelite king, your life expectancy went down dramatically. Verse one introduces us to the mother of the recently murdered king Ahaziah as she claims the throne for herself. She kills the remining members of the royal family and proceeds to reign by sheer force. It’s no surprise she’s so good at it, her parents were none other than Ahab and Jezebel. But unbeknownst to her, one rightful heir is saved. He is protected from death at her evil hands. This young child was protected from evil and didn’t even know it. And it just so happens that he is the last living heir in the lineage of King David…and therefore our Lord Jesus Christ.

The sister of king Ahaziah saw the murder spree that was approaching the palace and she took little baby Joash and hid him away. She protected him from the murderous rage of the evil queen. You see, in this moment, Joash received protection that was completely out of his control. A baby that was only concerned with food and love, protected from death as he slept quietly in his crib. What a beautiful picture of the protection of Almighty God. Do you realize how much protection is being rained down in your life today? Protection that you are oblivious to? The Lord is always at work, His hand of protection over those that belong to Him.

Little Joash grows up, he becomes old enough that he can be announced as the true king. But folks, as he does take the throne, you can only image the murderous opposition that will arise from the current evil regime, realizing they will lose their power in mere minutes. The automatic response will be to kill the boy and maintain their rule. The boy will need protection. And he gets it.

“Then he gave the commanders the spears and shields that had belonged to King David and that were in the temple of the Lord. The guards, each with weapon in hand, stationed themselves around the king—near the altar and the temple, from the south side to the north side of the temple. Jehoiada brought out the king’s son and put the crown on him; he presented him with a copy of the covenant and proclaimed him king. They anointed him, and the people clapped their hands and shouted, “Long live the king!” 2 Kings 11:10-12

This young man was in the lineage of David. The Lord Jesus Christ was in the lineage of David. It was of great importance to the plan of God that this young man rule as God’s promise had said he would. And God’s plans will be protected. He will see them through to His completion. God raised up king Joram’s sister, Jehosheba to save the baby that would be king. He provided protection for the boy as he grew, sheltering him from evil people that would have killed him without a thought. God placed him in the care of a man of God, living in the House of the Lord for 6 years, receiving the Word of God. And when the time was right for him to take the throne, God provided a small army to protect him. Men surrounded him on every direction with the very spears and shields that belonged to King David. Weapons drawn, ready for the evil that would surely appear. God protected.

Today, you might feel that you can protect yourself, but do you realize that just as little baby Joash, you are battling evil that you cannot see? Do you know that there is evil threatening you today that you’re not even aware of?

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12

Today, your fight is against satan and his teams of demons. And their goal is to separate you from Christ. Even if it’s only a little, they desire to whisper into your ear that you can protect yourself. That you’re enough to defend yourself. But folks, in our story, little Joash needed protection and he stayed close to his protection. He needed bodyguards to protect him and he stayed close to them. He wouldn’t dare stray far away from the protection that was there to save his very life. So is the same with us and Jesus Christ.

Today, stay as close a possible to Jesus Christ, your protector. Keep his Words on your heart, keep prayer to Him on your tongue, and keep your hands working for Him. For only in Jesus can you have the victory over the unseen evil in this world that seeks to do you great harm. Only through Jesus can you truly be guarded against the one that comes to steal, kill, and destroy all in his path.

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” Psalm 34:7

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thess. 3:3

“For the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” Deut. 20:4

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