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2 Kings 12 - A Good Steward

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

Duke Acton’s empire grew. Once a small provincial estate, it was now growing just as quickly as his tenant farmer’s wheat and barley. His family’s estate had been in his lineage for over 600 years but under his careful and watchful eye, it was now the largest it had ever been. The original 1800 acres of fertile rolling greenscape had now grown to over 4400 acres, thanks to shrewd acquisitions of numerous adjoining properties. But all of this growth brought its concerns. The Duke had recently been spending almost every single waking hour making the rounds. Checking on livestock, walking fences, fixing tenant problems and of course, managing the hefty financial affairs that came with a large estate. He needed help. He needed someone that could manage portions of the estate for him. Someone that was on the same page as himself. Someone that lived by the same life rules as himself. And most importantly, he needed someone that was trustworthy and honest. He needed someone that would manage the property as if it were their own. He needed a warden, a keeper...he needed a steward.

In 12th century medieval England, the steward was initially a servant who supervised both the lord's estate and his household. The steward was also commonly called a regent, viceroy, or governor. The steward would be one of the most highly held and regarded persons to the monarch. Whether it be a king, queen, prince, duke, earl or baron, a good steward would be the difference between a flourishing and thriving empire and one that could quickly flounder and decline.

A good steward had to be many things. Number one was honest. The steward was trusted with the monarch’s money, property, family, possessions, livestock and treasures. There have been more than a few empires drained to the dregs because of dishonest stewards. Stewards that would selfishly take for themselves directly from the coffers of the Royal they served. A good steward also needed to have firm principles, both in life and business. I mean have you ever known someone to be dishonest in life but honest in business? Nope, they go hand in hand, if you are dishonest in little, you’re dishonest in much. And lastly, the steward would need to be a good people person. I mean life is people, how you deal with people will determine your level of joy, success, and happiness. And at the core of being of a people person is loving and valuing all people.

At the heart of 2 Kings chapter 12 we see a good steward. King Jehoash took the throne at a mere 7 years old and reigned for a substantial 40 years. By now if we take a roll call of all the Israelite kings, we will see 19 who reigned over the northern kingdom of Israel, all evil. We also find 20 kings that ruled over the southern kingdom of Judah, only 10 considered righteous by God. Not a very good start to Israel demanding that God place a king over them. But today we see that King Jehoash was different.

“Jehoash did right in the sight of the Lord all his days in which Jehoiada the priest instructed him.” 2 Kings 12:2

King Jehoash was good not because of anything he did or could do, but because of who he followed. From an early age, he followed God and His statutes. And God saw to it that he had a man of God to follow in Jehoiada. As long as Jehoash followed God and His statutes, he was in good shape. And as he continually followed God’s law, God’s wisdom saturated his heart. And as God saturated his heart, he started looking around at the things of God and something started to happen. He started to see the things of God as his own. He took ownership. He took responsibility. He became a steward of what God had appointed Him over.

The temple of God was in disrepair. Why? Bad stewardship. And from all people, the priests. The money being brought into the temple as offerings and donations was being taken and squandered by greedy dishonest priests. Jehoash had previously instructed the monies to be used for temple repairs but over 20 years later, it still was crumbling at the joints. Jehoash had a simple plan.

He instructed for a locked chest to be placed near the entrance to the temple. He then had a hole drilled into the top. All tithes, offerings, and donations were to be simply dropped in and when the chest was full, certified agents would collect it and directly pay the repairmen. We’re even told this interesting bit of info.

“And they did not ask for an accounting from the men into whose hand they delivered the money to pay out to the workmen, for they dealt honestly.” 2 Kings 12:15

Honesty is at the core of life and all we do within it. Can you imagine a company or government today that had no accounting procedures? Accounting is built to ensure honesty, but most dishonest and evil people today spend their lives cheating those very accounting systems. And there is a peculiar characteristic about honesty, it breeds more honesty. King Jehoash dealt honestly in the way of the Lord and he dealt with others that did the same. This principle seems somewhat lost today, but it is still alive and well in the good stewards of God.

Folks, did you know that you are a steward of God today? Yep, whether you like it or not, God has entrusted great things into your hands. You may think that you are a self-made man or woman, but I have some news for you…it all belongs to God. It’s said that if it has been given, it can be taken away. All that you have has been entrusted to you by Almighty God and He expects for you to be a good steward of it all. Your family? A gift from God entrusted to you, care for it as a good steward. Your job, your money and all of your stuff? All gifts from God. God expects for you to manage your money and your finances according to His principles…not yours. You see, if you truly believe that God is your God, you will seek to do His will with His stuff…not your will with His stuff.

But beyond the physical stuff of this world, God has entrusted you with a priceless artifact. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. God sent His only Son to this world to live, die and be raised again. All to defeat the death of our sin once and for all. All so that every person that confesses Jesus is Lord can have an eternal home in Heaven in the presence of Almighty God. An eternal home of rest, peace, and worship to their maker. But notice the key here, the people need to hear. How can they believe in Jesus if they don’t know who He is and what He has done for them? Of this good news, God has made you, the believer, a steward. He has entrusted the good news of Jesus Christ into your hands.

Today, see the things around you differently. God has not placed them there by accident, He is allowing you to be a good steward as you deal with it. Deal with it using the unconditional love of Christ as your example. Deal with it using the wisdom that lies within the Word of God. Deal with it all in honesty, goodness and righteousness. And as you do, tell all the people that God places in your path about the true life only found in Jesus Christ.

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15

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