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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Kings 16 - God 2.0

There is a certainty in our world today. A speeding locomotive that even Superman would struggle to slow. Technology. The amazing feats of technology that we have witnessed in our lifetime is greater than any other generation of humans that has ever existed. And like a snowball, more technology makes exponentially more technology. Think about just the innovation that has been created in the last 125 years. Electricity, the automobile, radio, the airplane, air conditioning, the camera, the telephone, television, the computer, rockets, antibiotics, the cell phone, satellites, and the internet. It gives me goosebumps just typing that list. Amazing to think that none of that existed until the dawn of the 20th century. But as with any technology, it’s only as good as it’s most current iteration.

Technological update terminology was upended in 1994 when internet providing giant America Online first upgraded its software and simply named it AOL 2.0. The world bought into the marketing. If version one was good, then version two must be epic. Since this moment you’ve seen computers updated every year, TV’s upgraded every 6 months and of course how can you mention upgrades without mentioning Apple. We’re currently on the iPhone 12, a newer, better, faster, cooler version. And they release a better one every year like clockwork. In today’s world, if you want a sleeker, more desirable model of anything, just wait, it’s right around the corner.

What’s interesting is that there’s little to no new invention, just re-invention. The combustion engine in its basic operational form hasn’t been changed in 100 years, but it’s been updated for better gas mileage, more reliability, and more power output per cylinder. The cell phone and its basic signaling technology has not changed but the phone itself has become “smart”, allowing the user to access the world with their fingertips. When it comes to technology, the message is clear, new is better. Therefore, if you have an older version, you’re sadly out of date. And come on, being out of date just isn’t cool.

I have a question for you. Where does God fit into this curious modern technological and societal algorithm? I mean, think about it, God is an old model. He hasn’t changed in well, forever. His rules have never been updated; He’s still based on the original software that He delivered to Moses on the top of a smoky Mount Sinai way back in the second book of the Bible. By now shouldn’t we have a God 2.0? Shouldn’t we have a newer, better, sleeker God that fully represents our ultra-fast moving, 500 texts a day, self-promoting social media world?

Once again, you can’t outpace God’s Word. Any topic, any problem, any sin, any solution, they can all be found in God’s Word. The only problem? You gotta read it. Today we see a royal attempt to update God. Evil king Ahaz was only 20 years old and did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He worshipped false gods, worshiped idols, encouraged the Israelite people to do the same and in a brutal verse, we’re even told he sacrificed his own son on the altar of Molech. In this twisted and sick act of demon worship, “Molech was worshipped by heating a metal statue representing the god until it was red hot, then placing a living infant on the outstretched hands of the statue, while beating drums drowned out the screams of the child until it burned to death.” Ahaz was evil indeed.

But Ahaz did love technology. You could say that He was an ancient Israelite geek. He was young, advanced, modern, and looking for the newest hot trend. He was credited with introducing the Babylonian sundial to Jerusalem. He was apt to find new innovations in surrounding cultures and then introduce them to his people. But unfortunately, just as people do even today, why stop at updating just the technology in your life? Why not update your god too?

“Then King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria. He saw an altar in Damascus and sent to Uriah the priest a sketch of the altar, with detailed plans for its construction. So, Uriah the priest built an altar in accordance with all the plans that King Ahaz had sent from Damascus and finished it before King Ahaz returned. When the king came back from Damascus and saw the altar, he approached it and presented offerings on it. He offered up his burnt offering and grain offering, poured out his drink offering, and splashed the blood of his fellowship offerings against the altar. As for the bronze altar that stood before the Lord, he brought it from the front of the temple—from between the new altar and the temple of the Lord—and put it on the north side of the new altar.” 2 Kings 16:10-14

God 2.0. Ahaz found a newer, better, more modern god. A new altar, a new experience and a new promise. He found a new god that would let him do whatever he wanted in his “modern times.” He found a god that was more in touch with the culture of his day. He searched hard enough and long enough and found a god that didn’t always beat him up about sin and repentance. He found a god that he could worship his way. And to do that he not only brought the new god 2.0 into his life, but he had to move the old god out. Out with the old and in with the new. And in a verse that should chill your bones, we see Ahaz serve as his own priest at the altar of his own design.

How do you view God today? Do you think He’s just some old guy with a long white beard floating around on a cloud harshing all of our fun down here? Do you think He’s the old model? Does He need upgrading? Is He uncool? Are His rules and statutes for life sadly lacking for an ultra-modern society that is on the cutting edge of sexual freedom, tolerance and acceptance? Have we as a society outgrown the software of an old God?

I see this as one of (if not the biggest) problems in our world today. People are fully attempting to update God. His rules on marriage are old, antiquated, outdated and out of touch. God says in His Word, He created marriage to be a Godly union between one man and one woman. But our world today says God’s idea is too old, it needs to be updated to include all sexes. God created a man and woman to sexually reproduce and fill the earth. But our world today says God is out of touch with the modern advanced thinking of mankind today. That sex should be allowed not just between a man and a woman, but by anybody, anytime of any sex. Folks, I could go on and on. The crux of the point is that if it is a rule of God today, our world says it is sadly in need of an update. God needs to get with the times.

If you’re searching for a newer, sleeker god today, you’ll only find lies. If you’re looking for a god today that will tolerate your sin and all that you want to do, you’ll only find the misery of living in your sin. If your looking for a religion that will fit your lifestyle and the same sex marriage you choose, you’ll find one, but it will not be that of the one true God. If you’re looking for a church that is big, loud, flashy and has a smiling preacher that tells you exactly what you want to hear, but they’re not teaching the very Word of God, you’re worshiping at a false altar. There is only one God and only one way. For you see, God is timeless. He never changes. He is the same today, tomorrow and forever. He is perfect, He is flawless, He is God. He is outside of time, He created yesterday, and He sees tomorrow. His law is immutable, irreputable, inerrant, and infallible. And He put it in place for the good of those He created.

You can’t update God…and if you’re trying, you’ll be sadly disappointed.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8

“Of old you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you will remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away, but you are the same, and your years have no end.” Psalm 102:25-27

“The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.” Psalm 34:11

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