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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Kings 22 - The Return of the Word

I was only seven when Star Wars came out. It simply rocked my world. It was such a big deal I remember my mom and dad taking me to a new fancy theater to see it that had this new-fangled thing called “Dolby Stereo. “ It only made the experience more epic in my adolescent mind. As the credits rolled to that timeless John Williams score, I remember all my mind could utter was, more. The Empire Strikes Back satisfied me until the third movie was released on May 25, 1983, The Return of the Jedi. What a great title. The word return in there just signifies the penultimate showdown that surely would take place. And take place it did. When Vader announces his fatherhood to Luke, the entire theater sat motionless. Oh, the power of cinema done well.

Since then there has been quite a few more movies that have cashed in on the idea of a sequel with the return of a central character. The Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, Bruce Lee: Return of the Dragon, The Return of Godzilla. But if you really think about it, you can’t have a return if you don’t first have an absence. I mean in order for me to return somewhere I first have to leave that place. And folks, today we are going to see an epic return. A return that will not merely entertain like a movie, a return that will cause a revival that will spiritually awaken a kingdom and its people.

Welcome yet another new Israelite king. Allow me to introduce Josiah. Josiah was only eight years old when he took the throne from his father who was unfortunately murdered by his servants because he was so bad to them. Can you imagine being 8 years old and running a kingdom? I guess you would work in some diplomatic and kingly duties between chicken nuggets and SpongeBob? But once again, true to God’s pattern, the name of his mother is given, and you should by now know what that means. Yep, he was a good king. And not only a good king, but we’re told the best since King David. This brings up a side point that packs dynamite at its core. Mothers, never underestimate the power you wield as you raise your children. The most powerful force in a child’s life is their mother. They learn about God from you, they learn right and wrong from you and they learn it from watching every single action and word you display. And the gig never ends. There are some adults out there today that still need the wise direction of a Godly mom that is dishing out the pure truth of God’s Word.

As Josiah starts his reign, we are told this about him from God:

“Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Jedidiah the daughter of Adaiah of Bozkath. And he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in all the way of David his father, and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left.” 2 Kings 22:1-2

I love that description, “he did not turn aside to the right or to the left.” What a powerful statement. Folks, the correct way is straight ahead, right down the middle, firmly on the path of God. To the right is our way. To the left is our way. And when we choose our way over God’s way, we stray off course. The more you live in your own pride and selfishness, the more you stray off course. But for those that study and practice the law of God, they are shown a clear path, and they stay on it no matter the distractions and temptations of life.

Josiah starts with a temple repair project and apparently they were also doing some house cleaning. As they are cleaning, they find something that will revitalize hearts, change lives, enrich relationships, and even better the very fabric of the society in which they live.

“And Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, “I have found the Book of the Law in the house of the Lord.” And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it. And Shaphan the secretary came to the king, and reported to the king, “Your servants have emptied out the money that was found in the house and have delivered it into the hand of the workmen who have the oversight of the house of the Lord.” Then Shaphan the secretary told the king, “Hilkiah the priest has given me a book.” And Shaphan read it before the king. When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his clothes.” 2 Kings 22:8-11

The Word of God had been lost. It had been forgotten from hearts. Its laws had been forgotten. And in turn, lives had lost the goodness of God. But we see here the triumphant…Return of the Word (cue dramatic John Williams music) Something that had left has returned. Something that was lost has been found. And in the most dramatic part of the story, they don’t just display it for all to see like some trophy, they read it and actually do what it says to do. Monumental.

God’s Word is being lost in our world today. It has been eradicated from our culture, separated from our society and eliminated from schools, businesses, and government. And to take that elimination a step further in its permanence, it has been outlawed. It is illegal in the United Stated of America to pray to God or read His Word in a public school. And this spreads to school events too. Last week Margie and I went to see my nephew play football. Before the game they announced they were having a moment of silence. That’s it, no reason given for the silence, just shut up and stand there. It was the most ridiculous thing I’ve witnessed in a long while. A stadium of people standing in awkward, pointless silence where a prayer to Almighty God used to exist. This was the very same stadium I played football in in High School, now banned from asking for God’s protection and guidance. What a slap in the face this is to God. We live in a world where it has become the norm to do whatever it takes to eradicate, skirt, avoid and just plain revile the Word of God.

As Josiah hears the Word of God, he sees to it that it’s also read to all the people, and amazing things happen. Amazing things always happen when God’s Word is honored, revered and practiced. We see God’s Word spiritually affect Josiah’s life as well as all those that sit under it. Those that seek God with a heart that is open to Him will encounter dramatic change as they encounter His Word. As they encountered God’s Word it also convicted Josiah and the people of their sin. Just as a pole is placed in the water to measure the high and low tides, the Word of God is a measuring stick for our sin. You see, the Word of God is static, it’s righteousness never falters, waivers or changes, very unlike our world and our minds. We jump on the latest sinful trends claiming that we’re as modern and current as the world is, when in actuality, we have lost God’s Word and the measuring stick that it is in our lives. God’s Word then revived Josiah and it revived the lives of the people. Folks, there is unlimited power in God’s Word if you simply unleash it in your life. Study it, mediate on it, and allow it to permeate who you are and it will indeed revive your tired, weary spirit. God’s Word is a weapon that allows us to do battle in this evil world. In fact, were told in God’s Word it’s the only weapon that God has given us. As you study the armor of God in Ephesians 6 you see that out of all the pieces of armor, only one is an offensive weapon, the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.

Where is the Word of God in your life today? Is it high up on a shelf, collecting enough dust to evoke a hardy sneeze when you pull it down? Is it in a box in the closet, safely put away and protected from all harm? Do you even know where your Bible is? Folks, the life that can easily find the Word of God in their life will easily see the hand God in their life. The life that spends daily time studying the Word of God will constantly experience revival in the their Spirit. The life that lives in the Word of God will be convicted of their sin, allowing God to readily keep them on that straight and narrow path. The life that mediates on the Word of God day and night will see their lives defended by those very Words. That Spiritual Sword will mince the ravages of the evil one as you wield it in the name of Jesus Christ.

As I write this, I cannot imagine that there are billions of people in this world today that don’t want this amazing set of promises from God’s Word. But for those that do, they are open, free and available for the taking. Just grab your Bible, open it up, and pray to God to open your eyes to what you read.

The gift of God’s Word is waiting to be found.

30,000 feet

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