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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Kings 6 - How You See What You See

I think I’ve ran enough speaker wire to get to the moon and back. I’ve always been a big audio guy and it seems, at times, my life goal was to acquire and install as many speakers as possible within 12 feet of my ears. And to enjoy a speaker you need two things, an amplifier and speaker wire. I’ve pulled wire through attics, walls, floors, car dashes, businesses, homes, and yes, even a church in beautiful Hawaii. I love sound and the concept is simple, no speaker wire, no sound.

But several years ago, a new technology emerged that (pun intended) rocked my world. Bluetooth. Bluetooth utilizes a “frequency hopping spread spectrum” that allows devices to communicate wirelessly and securely over short distances. For me, all this jargon merely meant nothing short of amazing. I could buy a cool little speaker, sync it to my phone or laptop, and have a truly wireless speaker. For a guy that spent countless hours splitting, splicing, and stripping speaker wire, I merely sat with a smile as wide as the Cheshire cat’s and reveled in the goodness of a speaker with no wires. I’m really thankful for smart people that make this stuff.

But as I sit and enjoy the sweet sound of my JBL bluetooth speaker by the pool, I’ll have to tell you, I really have no idea how it works. I know how to use it, but I have no idea what really makes it tick. Considering this, I have a question for you. Because I don’t understand it and I can’t explain it, does that mean it’s not real?

Today in chapter 6 of 2 Kings we see another miracle from God materialized through the hands of Elisha. This particular miracle is different though. It doesn’t involve granting a son to an incapable couple, it doesn’t consist of limitless oil production, and it doesn’t have anything to do with something as dramatic as reviving a dead child. What we will see today is merely the retrieving of a simple wood cutting tool. I know what you’re thinking…how can that be considered a miracle? Allow me to set up our passage.

Elisha is more than just a mighty prophet of God. He is a teacher. We see that there is a school of student prophets that are under Elisha’s tutelage and as a result, God is growing the school. We see that they are out of dorm space and the students come to Elisha with the need…and the solution. They’re going to build more dorm space for the school themselves. They’re going to cut the wood and build another room onto the school. And in a shocking part of the story, the students ask Elisha to go along. Can you imagine a school where the students want to hang out with their teacher outside of the classroom? So off go the students along with Elisha to the banks of the Jordan to cut some lumber. Let’s catch up with the part time lumberjack, Elisha.

“But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, “Alas, my master! For it was borrowed.” Then the man of God said, “Where did it fall?” And when he showed him the place, he cut off a stick and threw it in there and made the iron float. He said, “Take it up for yourself.” So he put out his hand and took it.” 2 Kings 6:5-7

There’s a couple of things to note here. First, during this era, iron was extremely rare, therefore very valuable. We’re told back in 1 Samuel 13:22 that out of the entire Israelite army only Saul and Jonathan had swords of iron. Two iron weapons for an entire army, not good. So, an axe of iron was indeed quite the valued tool. Second, notice the student had borrowed the axe. Of course, a poor seminary student could not afford an axe, so he borrowed one. More than likely some wealthy patron saw that the need was great for more student housing and gladly allowed the tool of great value to be borrowed, it’s intended purpose for God reaching far beyond its value.

As the student is chopping away, the axe head comes off and flies into the waters of the Jordan. This was not as uncommon as you might expect, in fact, God even put a provision into the law in case it happened and killed someone. (Deut. 19:4-5) But in this case, a flying axe head did not cause the death of a neighbor, it simply flew off and sunk to the bottom of the muddy Jordan. The student cries out to his master and teacher, Elisha, and Elisha makes the iron axe head float so that the student can retrieve it. The axe head is saved from being lost and ruined at the bottom of the river.

Folks, the parallels here are amazing. The salvation of Jesus Christ rings throughout this “simple miracle.” The salvation of Jesus is of untold value like the iron. As we discover our eternity is lost and on our own we are powerless to secure it, we cry out to our master and teacher to save us, the only one that can accomplish it. Elisha throws a stick in the water which symbolizes the Cross of Christ. The only sacrifice that could save us from the death of our sin. Without that stick in the water the axe head would have spent it’s remining years, rusting and decomposing under the water. A life without the salvation of Jesus Christ will do just the same, spending a life in bondage and slavery to sin in the dark waters of this world. And folks, in one of the most powerful parts, as the axe head is saved, the student is instructed to reach out and take it personally. The Salvation of Jesus Christ is the most personal thing in existence. Just the Savior and a sinner. And it must be done as just that, one person reaching out to take the single biggest gift that has ever been given, eternal life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Folks, because you don’t understand it, is it real? How do you see the world today? Do you choose to believe the things of God, or do you dismiss what you can’t explain with the wave of a hand? I can’t see Bluetooth waves streaming through the air, but I can sure hear it in the sweet music it makes. You might not understand God, you might not understand the work of Jesus, and you might not understand the miracles of God, but that doesn’t mean they’re not real. They are as a real as the eyes that are allowing you to read this right now.

Today, don’t live in your limited human understanding, learn to live in your unlimited faith in Almighty God. Learn to see not as a human sees, but learn to see as Jesus will allow you to see. For there is an entire world to see that can only be seen through the eyes of Christ.

I pray that you find that world today.

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." John 3:8

Cozumel at dusk

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