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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Samuel 15 - A Wandering Heart Will Find its Leader

In the turbulent midst of this election season, let’s chat about leaders and politics. No, wait, don’t close the web page, toss your computer out the window and run away. I promise I’m only interested in a topical discussion and study of leaders and politics, not the specifics themselves. You’ll get enough electoral mud-slinging today just from being awake.

What I find ironic about our selection of leaders is that even though most of us today would call oursleves independent beings that make their own decision and earn our own way, we secretly are all searching for a leader. Ironic indeed. And beyond the obvious leaders in government, our search for leaders continues. We look for leaders in all we do. At work we know that we will need a leader, so we look for one that meets our specific needs. At church we need leaders, so we embrace and promote the leaders that seem to be what we think we need and want. And yes, especially in our government we want a leader that stands for exactly what we want. I guess you could say that in our fierce independence we seek a leader that is just like us. I mean, if we can’t be the leader then we should at least have the next best thing, right? A copy of oursleves.

But within this process occurs a slight problem. A human problem. As we choose, place, elect, or condone leaders, we place great trust, faith and confidence in them. And as we do, we are destined to experience the great defeat of disappointment. You see, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this or not, but every single man and woman on this planet will disappoint. Whether it be in their leadership decisions, business acumen, or yes, even in their moral platitude, all men and women are destined to disappoint us. The point is this, if every man and woman is at the core flawed, then how can a true parameter be established to select leaders? That is, how can flawed men and women select great leaders from other flawed men and women?

Today in 2 Samuel chapter 15 we find quite the unusual situation in the life of David. He continues to reign over the united kingdom of Israel, yet he also continues to experience the bitter fallout from his sin against the Lord concerning Bathsheba. Even in David’s great repentance God promised him that “the sword would never depart from his house.” (2 Sam 12:10) I can only imagine David living with this constant reminder. As fruition of this statement, we see David’s son, Absalom, start quite the ambitious rebellion. Against his very own father. The sword is firmly within David’s house.

Recall that Absalom was the brother of Tamar, who was raped by David’s other son Amnon. In vengeance, Absalom arranged the murder of his half-brother Amnon and then fled to the city of Geshur. He lived there in self-exile until it was arranged for him to return to Jerusalem. But as he returned, David refused to even see him. A bitter spirit existed between the two for their past crimes against the other. And it is in this bitter spirit that Absalom decides to take the throne from his father. And as Absalom does, he devises a campaign that is masterful in giving the people the leader they think they need.

You see, everyone wants a leader, it’s built into us. The question is, what leader do you think you need? It turns out Absalom was a master politician and he gave the people an image that is universally desired. Let’s look at some common ingredients of leaders that affords them to easily collect followers in this world.

1) They’re easy on the eyes. “ In all Israel there was not a man so highly praised for his handsome appearance as Absalom. From the top of his head to the sole of his foot there was no blemish in him. Whenever he cut the hair of his head—he used to cut his hair once a year because it became too heavy for him—he would weigh it, and its weight was two hundred shekels by the royal standard.” (2 Sam 14:25-26) Absalom looked like a leader should look. He was tall, dark, extremely handsome, and hello, how about that hair? He easily could have been Fabio’s stand in on the cover of the next big romance novel. God’s Word makes it of great importance to tell us that he cut off over 5lbs of his hair a year! (imagine his shower drain...) Sad to say but for many simple hearts, they choose a leader merely by their complexion, their features, and yes, their hair. Did you know that there’s a website called “hottest heads of” Yep, to drive this alarming point home, people can rate how attractive past presidents were. It’s a great truth that many people select a leader simply on how “hot” they are.

2) What have they got? “After this Absalom got himself a chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him.” (2 Sam 15:1) We like for our leaders to have stuff. Kings and queens have palaces, governors have mansions, prime ministers have sprawling estates and presidents have not one but multiple residences. And they’re all rich. Absalom, being an ambitious politician knew this. The very first thing he did was collect an entourage an portray an image. I love the way it’s stated, “he got himself" chariots and 50 men. You see, for a great looking, ambitious leader, it’s easy to recruit people. People are looking for a leader, and well, if you’re good looking, and have the stuff that a leader should have, people will line up to follow.

3) A silver-tongued devil. “ Then Absalom would say, “Oh that I were judge in the land! Then every man with a dispute or cause might come to me, and I would give him justice.” And whenever a man came near to pay homage to him, he would put out his hand and take hold of him and kiss him. Thus Absalom did to all of Israel who came to the king for judgment. So, Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.” (2 Sam 15:4-6) Folks, an ambitious leader has to be able to sell his wares. Absalom is great looking, rides around in a chariot led by 50 men and talks the talk. We see in the first 4 verses of chapter 15 the phrase “and Absalom would say” three times. He was a talker. A salesman. A wheeler dealer. He told the people what they wanted to hear, and they bought it hook, line, and sinker. He was also a great businessman and he heeded the rule of location, location, location. He rose early every day and stood at the gate of the city where he was guaranteed to catch every person that passed by. He told the people they were right in whatever claim they were bringing to the king, delivering their positive verdict before ever hearing the case. He pitied them that they would not get the justice they deserved. He informed them that King David could not offer them the true justice that only he held. And to seal the deal, he would kiss them with great love and care. (I bet if they had a baby, he kissed it too) And in doing so, his empty words "stole their hearts."

Folks, are you looking for a leader today? What are you looking for in that leader? Are you looking for a leader that will never lie to you? I’m sorry to say, that human does not exist. Are you looking for a leader that will always be completely honest with you? Sorry to disappoint you again, but there is no such human in history. Are you looking for a leader of the people that only wants the best for their constituents and will never seek to enrich themselves? Again, sorry, this human doesn’t exist. What about a leader that operates in infinite wisdom, understanding the world in a way that will afford perfect justice for all, all the time? Ha, not even close.

Friends, I have good news. The perfect leader does exist. He will never lie to you. His Word is pure truth and cannot ever be broken. He only wants the best for you and will always put your best interest first, well before His. And on top of all of this, this leader loves you in way that your heart cannot truly comprehend. Of course, this leader is none other than the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. If He is not your one true leader today, He can be in the blink of an eye. Admit that you have sinned, ask Him to forgive you of those sins and ask Him to be the Lord or your life. To lead you every day that you walk this planet. There is no greater leader.

Wandering hearts will always find the leader they desire. But if you give your heart to Christ, you will never desire another.

If you’re reading this, you’re being prayed for.

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