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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Samuel 22 - The Lord is...

I saw a funny meme the other day. It was two people standing across from each other looking down at a figure on the ground between them. The figure was a number 6, or was it? You see, to one person it looked like a 6, to the other it looked like the number 9. A 6 from one angle and a 9 from the opposite angle. Both saw the same thing but yet both would argue it was something different. And so it is with God.

Some people can live an entire life and see everything in their life as mere chance, luck, fortune, or karma. They see their lives as an inane existence, far from any supreme being that cares or takes investment in that life. I, of course, choose to stand on the opposite side of that and look at it in a much different light. I believe in the Almighty God of the Bible. The creator of the world and everything in it. He is real to me and He cares for me and loves me. He has a specific plan for my life, and He is constantly invested in revealing that plan to me. Just this morning Margie and I were praising God for His timing of this “surprise” surgery. Two weeks ago, this surgery was not even on our radar. But God timed it perfectly with our lapse in insurance coverage, He timed it perfectly with a week off from our seminary studies thanks to Labor Day, and He timed it perfectly that Margie could be off to care for me. You see, one life could look at these facts and dispel them all to chance. But not me. God is in our midst, in our lives, and He is working for good.

As we near the end of 2 Samuel, we near the end of King David’s life. And what a life it has been. His life would make a new extreme roller coaster look tame. The ups and downs of David’s life can appear to many as out of control. But not to David. For He saw that every single step of the way, the Almighty hand of God was guiding his steps, influencing his mind, and changing his heart. And it is at the end of this life that David composes yet one more beautiful psalm. 2 Samuel chapter 22, David’s song of Deliverance.

As David looks back over a full, rich, and lesson-filled life following God, you see a psalm that starts with him merely recalling who God has been to Him. It is here that we will find many lessons today. And it is here that hopefully, you can agree with David on many of his feelings. Feelings on who the Lord is to you today.

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior.” 2 Samuel 22:2-3

The Lord is my Rock. A rock is a foundation. Something sturdy and impenetrable upon which something of value is built. I choose to build my life upon the rock of Christ. A rock is a place on which to rest. I can rest on the promises of Jesus.

The Lord is my fortress. A fortress is for protection. I will take security in the precious arms of Jesus. In this life He will protect me from evil, from harm, and even from my own sinful desires.

The Lord is my deliverer. He will deliver us from the evils in this world. He delivered David from Goliath, from Saul, from his sin with Bathsheba, from Absalom, from Sheba, and from countless battles. And he will deliver me.

My God is my rock. The Lord is not only my rock, but He is the God of my rock, that is, my faith. He is the object of my faith. It rests in Him, is because of Him, and increases in Him through the trials of this life that He presents.

The Lord is my refuge. Refuge is a safe place. Jesus Christ is the only safe place in this world today. He loves, cares and guides only with good intent. He cannot lie and will never forsake those that belong to Him.

The Lord is my shield. A shield protects you when you are under attack. When the flaming darts of the evil one come flying in your direction, the Lord will protect you.

The Lord is the horn of my Salvation. In the Old Testament the horn was a symbol of power, lied at the corner of the Tabernacle of God, and led God’s people into battle. Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith, He is all powerful, and He leads us into Salvation.

The Lord is my stronghold. The King James translation describes stronghold as “high tower.” The Lord is a secure place where I go to view the land before me from the high ground. The Lord, through His holy Spirit, allows me a grand vision of this life, guided by His hands.

The Lord is Savior. Folks, without Jesus Christ, there is no Salvation. Without Jesus Christ, not one single person can ever hope to see Heaven. Without Jesus Christ, not one sinner will ever be allowed into Heaven. Without Jesus there is no Salvation. He is our Savior.

Today, how do you see God? Do you see Him as some distant cosmic uncaring force? Or do you see Him as your creator, a God that loves your soul enough to send His only Son here to die for your sins? If you have not stepped out to claim the Salvation of Jesus, you can today. Confess your sin, ask Jesus to save you from eternal separation from God and He will be faithful to do so. And as you do, the Lord will become all of these things to you and more. The Lord is mighty to save.

Today, I pray that you can claim Jesus as your Rock, your Savior, and your shield. That you can call out to Jesus as your stronghold, your high tower, and your place of refuge. For it is only through the lens of Jesus that you will be able to view this life as He intends.

God bless you in your journey with Christ.

Playa Del Carmen looking out to Cozumel

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