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Writer's pictureDan Potter

2 Samuel 23 - There Is No Self-Made Man

In 2017 Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered the commencement address at the University of Houston. As he opened his message, he spoke these words. “You can call me Arnold, Swarzie, Terminator, Conan, Arnie or even Mr. Universe, but don’t ever call me a self-made man.” Arnold goes on to elaborate on the countless people that were responsible for his storied career that spans body-building, movies, and politics. The lists of names went on and on, his point clearly proven. We can’t do life on our own. And if you claim you did, your mistaken.

Today in 2 Samuel chapter 23 we see a very similar theme. The mighty men of David. Recall that as David was running from Saul for his very life, he experienced some very lean times indeed. Tough times emotionally, physically, and spiritually. He was alone, hungry, tired, and questioning the plan of God. And it was in this time that God sent him comfort. God sent him a group of mighty men. Mighty men of valor. Mighty men of companionship. Mighty men of war. Mighty men of friendship. Mighty men of accountability.

The great myth of life is that we can do it on our own. We’re told that we can pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, study hard, get a good education, land a great job and then just relax and live the American dream that we achieved all by ourselves. We can then look back at our achievements and pat oursleves on the back for a job well done. But what about all of the people that helped along the way? What about your parents? What about teachers and mentors? What about friends, neighbors, pastors, bosses, and spouses? You see, God knows that we can’t do it alone. And that is why He sends us mighty men and women just like David.

But part of the trick is recognizing just exactly who is mighty and who God has sent. You see, in our world today, we have a very narrow view of who we deem as mighty. Who we see as powerful. Who we believe can truly help us get to where we think we need to go. And folks, God’s view of people is very different than ours. And it shows clearly in the people he sends.

As David was sitting all alone in the cave of Adullam, God sends him help. And as they arrived, it was probably not the help David expected.

“David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. When his brothers and his father’s household heard about it, they went down to him there. All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.” 1 Samuel 22:1-2

It must have been quite the scene to see this motley crew arriving. Some of the men were distressed, that is, in extreme anxiety, pain and sorrow over their lives. Some were drowning in debt, owing so much money to others that their hope of financial freedom had been extinguished. Some were simply discontent with this life, finding no satisfaction with the hand that God had dealt them. As these men gathered around David, I’m sure the last descriptor that came to his mind was mighty men of valor. But God knows what He is doing. He knew that David needed these men and He knew that these men needed David. And together, they would change the face of the Israelite kingdom.

Fast forward about a thousand years and you see another band of ragtag men assembled. The twelve apostles. An arrogant fisherman, a corrupt tax collector, an evil traitor, and an incessant pessimist. Again, hardly the group that we would assemble to distribute the single most important information the world has ever known. But God sends the right people, to offer the right help, at the right time.

Today, look around at who God has placed in your life. Don’t see them as the world sees them but see them as the mighty men and mighty women that God has placed in your life. You can’t do it on your own and that is exactly why God brings certain people together. David had his mighty men of valor, Jesus had His twelve disciples and in His own perfect way, God will bring you into a fold of mighty warriors that will allow you to accomplish the plans He has for you.

There is no self-made man or self-made woman. Recognize the help God has sent you and also commit to be that same help to another. For it is in this way that God will send His message out into the world.


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