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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

5 Minute Challenge Invite

I'd like to invite everyone to join in on what I call the 5 minute challenge (5MC). It simple and in 30 days can change the way the way you view and interact with our world.

Here's the challenge...first thing every morning before the day gets ahold of you, grab your bible & find a nice quiet place. (read Mark 1:35) This is part of the challenge in itself. Before you grab your phone, check you email, fire up the news or let any other source speak to you & influence you, go to God's word & let God's voice be the first influence on your day. At youth camp we had a funny saying..."before you go to your phone, go to the throne"....ha!

Now that your in your quiet place with your bible, pray. Pray for the Holy Spirit to awaken your heart to what you'll be reading. The scripture is 'God breathed' and He can make it come alive on so many deeper levels if we simply ask.

To start the 5MC I recommend you start in the gospel of John. (4th book of the New Testament) Either set a timer or glance at a clock & start reading. When the 5 minutes is up, STOP READING, DO NOT KEEP READING!! Now you can do one or two different things. Move on with your day & meditate on what you've read throughout your day OR you can journal briefly every morning on how God spoke to you through His Word. I prefer to journal & that's what I share each day on the Captain Aloha FB. I strongly encourage you to share yours as well. We are called to strengthen & encourage each other & your thoughts on God's Word might just be EXACTLY what someone else needs to help them through the days struggles.

The challenge is to do this for 30 consecutive days. Initially you'll be surprised by 2 hard it is to get started because of all the distractions we have in our mornings and 2, after you get the ball rolling how many MORE distractions will surface.

Accept the 5MC, get in God's Word, and let the truth & wisdom guide your days! God bless you all & be good to everyone you see today...if you see someone without a smile, give them yours!

'Servin' & surfin'...Margie snapped this as Caleb & I were heading out to catch some waves at Launiopoko Beach in Lahaina, Maui.

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