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Writer's pictureDan Potter

A Safe Place

Life has countless twists, turns and curves, you never know where the path before you will lead. As I write this it’s 7:45 am and Margie and I have spent the entire night in a hurricane shelter seeking refuge from Hurricane Delta. This was quite the twist and turn for us, our first time to encounter a hurricane. up close and personal. The hotel we’re at has done an amazing job, their hurricane protocol exercised to the ‘t’ with them going the extra mile at every opportunity. Even as far as setting up a huge TV to broadcast the NBA finals last night. But being locked in a concrete room with 125 strangers on cots for the night while a massive storm is bearing down, is definitely not something I thought I would be doing at this time yesterday. But hey, when life throws you a curve ball, you swing.

There was little sleep to be had last night on a pool lounge chair, so it seems God provided me ample time to pray, think and meditate on His Word. As the storm raged outside, the wind and rain forming a perfect symphony of chaos, I started a mental gratitude list. And how could I not include at the very top of that list, a safe place. During the peak of the violence raging outside, God had once again provided us a safe place. This started me down the hypothetical trail of just what it truly means to have a safe place in this life.

Of course, we need physical safe places. Without my fortunate place on this cot in this shelter, I would be forced to deal with a physical power outside that would do me great harm. If you look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, physical safety is one of the foundations we humans must have to function properly. We need to feel physically safe or we will suffer worry and anxiety until we can satisfy our great need to find a place where we can be physically safe.

We also need an emotionally safe place. I have found great emotional safety in my Margie. It’s hard to think that exactly one week ago we were celebrating our 25th anniversary with a romantic dinner on the beach and here, one week later, we are celebrating with 125 strangers. Margie has created a safe emotional place for me to always take shelter in. I am also blessed with amazing parents and in-laws. They love me, accept me, and encouragement me no matter what I do. An emotional safe place has always been an anchor in my life that I could depend upon in when the waters get turbulent.

But what about a safe place in which to rest our spirit? What about a place to take shelter when the storms of life far surpass our physical and emotional needs? What about the category 5 hurricanes of life that test our mettle, push us beyond all comfort, and have us running for a new and stronger shelter? Folks, it is here that you will find the one true safe place in this life, the open arms of Jesus Christ.

It is no accident that God speaks profusely of this safe place. Being our creator, He is more than aware of our need for safety that surpasses our mere worldly needs. And in the good news that the world so needed, He sent His only Son to save the world. The be the Savior of all that call upon Him. To be a safe place for the world.

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” Nahum 1:7

“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10

Friends, the hurricanes of life are coming. It’s not an if but a when. My pastor wisely says, you’re either coming out of a crisis, going into a crisis or you’re in the middle of a crisis. It’s just a fact of life that clearly shows you the many twists and turns that are the paths we walk. Question...when the guarantee of spiritual storms drive you to seek safety, where will you go?

You can seek your physical safe place, but physical safety will not help you as your heart cries out for solace in the midst of turmoil. You see, a physical storm is easy to deal with compared to the spiritual storm. You can seek your emotional safe place. But it will not offer you the satisfaction you seek. Human love and provision is limited in what it can provide in truly satisfying the soul. You can even seek safety in yourself, depending upon your own strength to navigate the tempests of life. But that won’t work either. You see, God built us to seek Him. God created us to search for His safety. If you seek Him, you will find His perfect safety.

If you haven’t found your spiritual safe place, you can find it today. It is not in some secret, hidden location that is sequestered far away. It is in plain sight, easy to find, free to all, and open to any that seek it. Simply call out to Jesus and ask Him to save you. To be your savior. To be your safe place amongst a world that only seeks to do you harm, steal your joy and drive you into the idea that safety can be had elsewhere.

I’m so grateful for my safe places. Physical places like the one I’m sitting in right now, that protect me from the physical harm of this world. My emotional safe places where I can retreat to enjoy unconditional love, acceptance and fellowship. But most of all, I am grateful to Jesus. He offers me a safe place that far surpasses all my needs. He is all I will ever need to combat whatever storm may come.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

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