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Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

Happy Aloha Friday. As I think about aloha Friday, I’m praying for my brothers and sisters on Maui and in the state of Hawaii. May God’s hand protect you from Hurricane Lane.

Speaking of Hawaii, a few weeks ago Margie and I had the unbelievable happen to us by running into some friends from Maui at Taco Tuesday at Rosa’s in Fort Worth. Do you know what the odds are? They live on Oahu now and were in Fort Worth for a week to complete some PHD work at Southwestern Seminary. Half way around the world, in a city of ¾ of a million and our paths cross at the perfect time because of tacos. This is God speaking, saying get together. So we did. We had Chris and Wendy over for dinner last night and wow, did God move. We sat around and talked non-stop from 6 til midnight and had to peal ourselves apart! Let me just say that when God puts someone on your heart or miraculously puts someone in your life this is not mere coincidence. It was not coincidence that they had flown 3700 miles to ‘accidentally’ run into us at a random taco place in Fort Worth, Texas. God connects His people to get His work done. This is part of the fellowship that we are called into, time with other believers to talk about God and His work and then get busy and get it done. I’m so excited about what God worked on last night using these 4 lives. God is amazing and does amazing things…just look around for them, they’re everywhere, everyday.

I’m in chapter 5 of Acts this morning. Now if you’re following along in the 5MC, you’ll probably notice a different pacing in the book of Acts versus the book of John that we just finished. The big difference in pace and content? Jesus is gone. He ascends back into heaven in chapter one and so the book has a different feel. Acts is classified as a historical narrative and John is classified as a Gospel. In fact, the bible has many different genres within its 66 books, they are Law, Historical Narrative, Wisdom, Poetry, Gospel, Epistles, Prophecy, and Apocalyptic. Luke is narrating for us the history of the early church hence Acts being a historical narrative. So we have moved from a gospel where Jesus is walking with the disciples and teaching them to a book where Luke is documenting what happens to the disciples as they teach and preach.

This morning we start off with the story of Ananias and Sapphira. If you recall from yesterday, Acts chapter 3 ended with the church in perfect harmony and church members were selling their goods and bringing the proceeds into the church to do God’s work. One guy named Barnabas even sold a whole piece of land he owned and gave all the money to the church. But way back in Genesis when Adam and Eve listened to the serpent instead of God we all inherited a sin nature and it quickly shows up in the early church right here.

Ananias and his wife Sapphira sell a piece of land and plan to give the money to the church. Now since it is literally the next sentence after the one telling us about Barabbas selling his land I assume that they might be copying Barabbas. Maybe Barabbas got some praise from the disciples or from the church and they are seeking this same type of praise. It happens in the church today. People give expecting something in return.

Now we really don’t know about their initial intention but we do find out in the story about their hearts so the earlier intention is probably true. Ananias sells their land and goes to give the money to Peter but one small problem, he tells Peter he sold it for less and brings only that amount. He pockets the difference. Now its his land so he can keep whatever he wants. The problem? He lies. Peter is strong in the Holy Spirit and God gives him the discernment to see right through it. He tells Annanias that he has is filled with Satan and has lied to the Holy Spirit. The result? BAM, God strikes dead. They drag him out and bury him. I’m sure no one expected this, why would they? Maybe he just had a heart attack? But 3 hours later his wife Sapphira comes in oblivious to her husband’s death and tells Peter the same story. Peter asks her clearly about the amount and she clearly lies. The result? BAM, God strikes her dead and they drag her out and bury her right next to her husband. I’m sure, everybody now gets it. God has spoke mightily about their lies to His church and He struck them down. The reason? Church discipline. The early church was in perfect harmony and as sin crept into it God dealt with it quickly and harshly. (yep, I’d say it was harsh) Now God set an example in this punishment but sin leaves a residue and the deaths brought ‘great fear’ upon the church. (Acts 5:11) People were basically scared to death, and rightfully so. I have to believe the members started walking on eggshells and were probably not as bold now to give out the Word of God or give to the church. The effects of sin ripple.

The apostles continue preaching and guess what? Yep, they get thrown in jail again. Man, talk about repeat offenders! Ya know have you ever thought that if the apostles lived today what their police record would look like? These guys were getting arrested a couple of times a week. Their rap sheet would be a mile long! Well, the first night they’re locked up they get broken out of a jail by an angel.

That’s not something you read every day! Don’t you love the bible? We got it all in here! The next day the council gathers and calls for the apostles to be brought from jail but of course they’re not there. I love this, they are ‘perplexed.’ (Acts 5:24) There it is again, this reoccurring theme in Acts of man being bewildered, amazed and perplexed by God’s actions. (Acts 2:6, 2:12, 3:10) Let me just say, you can’t understand God no matter how hard you try. God is God and we are not. Just stop trying to understand Him. Otherwise you’ll be like the council and just continue to be ‘perplexed’ and ‘bewildered.’

Now where were the apostles if they weren’t in jail? Exactly where God told them to be, in ‘the Temple speaking to the people the Words of this life.’ (Acts 5:21) Somebody sees them, the council guards grab them and drag them back in front of the court. Can you imagine the life of the apostles? These guys were getting really good at being arrested and appearing in court! The council says, “we told you to stop preaching in “this name” but you keep on doing it.” (Acts 5:28) I love Peter’s response here in Acts 5:29 “We must obey God rather than men.” How simple to say and how hard to live. Unfortunately, most only believe and practice this until the heat gets too high and then they relent. Not the apostles, they are sold out to God. Now after this answer the high priests have had it with these trouble makers, are enraged, and want to kill them. Is it just me or are the religious leaders like gangsters in a Godfather movie? Their answer to everything is “ahh, just kill them.”

So this guy Gamaliel steps up and intercedes. Gamaliel was highly respected and by the way was also the teacher of the apostle Paul. He brings to their attention that there have been 2 men in recent time that have started uprisings and had a following but after they were killed their followers disbanded. He advises them this is probably the same thing, just let them go and it will play out. They heed his advice and let the apostles go. Only after they beat them and told them not to speak of Jesus again. The life of an apostle was tough. I think if you looked at Peter’s to do list for an average day it would read: 1) pray, 2) go to the grocery store, 3) go to jail, 4) pick up the dry cleaning, 5) get beaten, 6) get dragged into court. We think we have persecution.

So after getting arrested, jailed, accused and beaten how do the disciples respond? Get an attorney and sue the court? Call a reporter and complain of mistreatment by the guards? Start a protest? Nope, Acts 5:41-42, “Then they left the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name. And everyday in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease in teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.” WOW, Did you hear that? They rejoiced in getting beaten. They preached even harder.

You know when I look back at the guys Jesus picked to be His disciples, I as many, wonder about His selection process. An uneducated hot-headed fisherman, a despised tax collector, a fanatic Jewish nationalist, a skeptic/pessimist, a covetous betrayer, a radical persecutor of Christians. They all had issues, had not much in common and at times didn’t even get along. But here in the book of Acts you witness these events. Jesus is gone, they’re already getting beaten and jailed daily and their response? They rejoice at being dishonored for their Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus didn’t pick these guys for what you can see. The world looks at people for what they can see. Your looks, your job, your education, your stuff, your money. Jesus was able to look within. He knew what would be required of these men came solely from within. He needed a heart that could hold fast. He needed a heart that would love him no matter the cost. Oh how I long for a heart like that.

I pray that today God’s Word will give you perspective on what it means to serve and live for Him.

God bless you.

We were driving to Hana on Maui and they were cleaning up a rockslide so we had to sit in 'traffic'. While we waited I got out of the truck & snapped this pic...

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