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Be Soft ~ Philippians 4

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

“Always be gentle with others. The Lord will soon be here.” Philippians 4:5 CEV

              It never ceases to amaze me how much at odds the world is with the Word of God.  Like oil and water, what the world shows me daily is not what I hear from the Lord in my daily study of His Word.  For example, the world tells me I must have an edge, a hard edge.  The world tells me if I don’t I’ll get run over, taken advantage of, or seen as a less than capable pushover.  And the world sees anyone with a lack of that personal hardness, as weak, frail, and lacking.  Yet here in chapter 4 of Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi we see a much different message delivered as once again the wisdom of God shows itself to be the polar opposite of a sinful world run amuck.

              The letter to the Philippians is short at only four chapters.  In fact, it ranks as the 20th shortest book of the 66 in the Bible.  But as the old adage goes, good things come in small packages.  And this rings true here, especially in the rich offerings of Philippians chapter 4.  And woven among among that Godly tapestry we find our study verse that offers up an extremely versatile Greek word, epieikeia.  As I have so intimately learned in my Spanish language immersion process, one word can have several meanings.  And it is just as true concerning this wonderful word.

              As Paul is closing his letter to his brothers and sisters in Philippi, he wraps up with spiritual wisdom that will not just help them with specific spiritual problems but with living the broad spectrum of a Godly life.  And within that beautifully wrapped gift lies this nugget of goodness.  Be soft.  Well, that’s at least one of the meanings of epieikeia.  Among the other definitions are to be: mild, patient, forbearing, modest, yielding, gentle, moderate, unwilling to litigate, magnanimous, and my favorite…soft. What a great word to describe how we should be in this world.  Yet easier said than done, yes?

              I remember growing up with two older brothers and how easy it was to find a fight.  Oh the glory of brotherly love would see us take a bullet for each other, yet also be ever so ready to go to fisticuffs at the drop of a hat.  But I remember several times I would go looking for a fight and my older wiser brothers would simply dismiss me.  Let’s be honest, you just can’t pick a fight with someone that isn’t willing to fight.  That logic lies behind the word epieikeia and is the very reason Paul is using it.  You see, just a little earlier in this very chapter Paul rebukes two women within the church, Euodia and Syntyche, for bickering and fighting with each other. (side lesson…consider that these women got one sentence in the Word of God to describe their lives.  What would your one sentence be?)  So Paul, in great wisdom, says that the best way to avoid arguments, fights, and ungodly discontent, is to simply soften up.  To not be hard as flint, but soft as cashmere.

              Today, don’t buy into what the world says is admirable or desirable, instead simply look to what the Lord values.  Be soft with those you encounter.  If someone has wronged you, understand that they are just as imperfect as you are and need forgiveness just as much as you do.  Be soft and gentle with them.  If you feel you’ve been shorted by the bossman at work and your promotion was given to someone undeserving, don’t automatically take things into your own hands and start slandering him or stepping on others to get what you feel you deserve.  Instead, see that God is sovereign, in control, and has a long-term plan for your betterment.  Be patient and yielding with the boss.  If someone in your own family has hurt you, leaving you feeling ready to lash out and repay the hurt you feel with more hurt, pause and forbear.  Be unwilling to litigate and bring your own brand of justice.  Be soft and gentle with them.  Or maybe you feel that life has just been overall unfair to you, not giving you what you feel you deserve but instead issuing nothing but pain, suffering, and misery.  Step out of your own logic and lean not on your own understanding but acknowledge that the Lord has a plan for you better than any you could ever imagine.  Be patient, yielding, and forbearing with the Lord, knowing in great faith that He is working good for all of those that have been called according to His purpose. 

              Folks, don’t buy into the world’s lie that you need to be hard, demanding, and unforgiving to ensure you get what you deserve…instead be ever so soft with the world around you.  In this way the Lord will offer you protection and insulation against those that are simply out looking for a fight.  And in doing so, you will find yourself being a tremendous beacon for others that are simply looking for a soft place to rest a hard heart.

I pray a soft heart leads you into this day ~ Dan

“…soft speech can break bones.” Proverbs 25:15b

along the shore, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico


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