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Blessing in Defeat ~ Genesis 32

Writer: Dan PotterDan Potter

“Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day.” Genesis 32:24 ESV

              Oh, the struggle that is life. We struggle, it seems, with every single thing and person around us as we walk this green orb.  But if you were to carefully psychoanalyze the struggle itself, where would you say it truly originates?  Is the world truly intent on entertaining itself by creating and maintaining struggles with each and every one of the 7 billion inhabitants that call this rock home?  It seems a rather prideful statement considering.  Or do you think that the struggle originates much closer to home.  And I intend, much, much closer to your home.

              We are born struggling.  We struggle against the parents that attempt to train us. We struggle against the teachers that attempt to educate us.  We struggle against the opposite sex as we build and attempt to maintain long-term relationships.  We struggle against our employer that pays us to perform a specific set of tasks.  We struggle against our neighbor that doesn’t act as we think they should.  Are you starting to see a pattern here?  You see, since that first fruity bite in the garden of Eden, every human born upon this planet has been born into a struggle.  They were born with a sin nature that sees them naturally and instinctually struggling not with what is immediately before them…but with the ways of God.

              One of the most beautiful pictures of this in God’s Word is found in chapter 32 of the first book of the Bible, Genesis.  It is rather ironic to find this powerful moment so early in the Bible, just another nod from God that in the earliest recorded stories of His humanity, its nature has not changed.  Our society today however does not believe as such.  We look around at our technological prowess and see it as societal and humanitarian progress.  But folks, if you are a student of the Old Testament, you realize that human nature is human nature and it has not changed in over 4,000 years.  The men and women of the Old Testament struggled with the authority of God and the men and women of 2024 do just the same.

              At this point in our Jacob story, he has bought his brother’s birthright for a bowl of bean soup, lied to his father Isaac about his identity as he wore a goat skin coat, and has served tricky ol’ Laban for 22 years, resulting in him learning to be just as tricky.  And throughout the entire story, Jacob has never stopped struggling.  Struggling against his brother, his mother, his father, his father-in-law, his concubines, and his wives.  But here in this chapter we find out truly with whom Jacob’s struggle was with…God and the plan He had for Jacob’s life.  And folks, the struggle that we endure today is with none other but the very same opponent that challenged Jacob here in Genesis 32.

              So Jacob wrestles with his unknown assailant (revealed as an angel of the Lord in Hosea 12:4-5) throughout the night until the match comes to a quick close as his hip is touch and dislodged, leaving Jacob limping and defeated.  But the beauty of the wrestling match comes in just this part of the story.  You see, Jacob defeated, continued to cling to the man and begged for his blessing.  Only in the bitter defeat and the relenting that followed did Jacob receive the blessing of the Lord.  Only after he had exhausted his physical ability and his will to continue the fight, did he truly win.  Only in his defeat did he truly conquer.

              What are you fighting today?  Do you truly feel that the fight is external, that this world is somehow picking on you just to prove a point?  Or is the fight truly between you and the Lord?  Are you happy with the way God has applied His hand to your life?  Do you feel God has treated you fairly?  Folks, if you are true in your responses, I bet you find yourself in a struggle with God just as Jacob did.  And I hate to burst your bubble…but you can’t win.

              To truly find a peaceful life, you must find peace with God.  And to do this you must truly realize who He is and who you are.  He created you, loves you more than you will ever know, and desires to have a personal relationship with you.  He in turn, wants your love, your adoration, your praise, and your faith and obedience to Him.  And if He must come wrestle you and win to conquer your heart, He will.

              I pray today that you are ready to cease the fighting, be still, and suffer the defeat to receive the blessing ~ Dan

“Stop fighting, and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10a CSB

great snowy egret ~ Punto Sur Bird Sanctuary, Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico



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