“This is the land that yet remains…” Joshua 13:2a
Think about this…a gift is only a gift if it is claimed. Allow me to expand. Say if I were to buy you a shiny new red Corvette with a big red bow on top. But in order for you to receive that Vette, I give you a riddle to solve. But after a few tries you decide the riddle is too difficult and you give up. You have failed to claim the gift and therefore the transaction is never fulfilled. (Which I guess is OK as I will just keep the Corvette and drive it myself.) But you see, at the core of our example, I did all of the work, endured all of the expense, and even carefully planned the method in which you would claim your gift, but you simply did not accept the gift and complete the act or receiving it. And what would you say if I were to tell you that it is just in this way that most followers of Jesus Christ today leave His abundant blessings…as unclaimed gifts.
The Old Testament book of Joshua bobs and weaves like Mike Tyson in his heyday. At one point you are hearing the Lord offer encouragement to Joshua as the new Israelite leader and the next moment the Israelites are attacking and conquering walled enemy kingdoms. Only to find in the next chapter a roll call of the tribe’s territorial allotment or a story of God stopping the sun. You see, the book of Joshua is a culmination of the first 5 books of the Bible with God finally seeing His people united, following Him faithfully, and claiming the promised land of rest that He intentioned for them way back in Genesis. Yet as Joshua reaches the tender age of 85, the Lord retires him and places the rest of the conquering of the land squarely on the shoulders of the people. I guess you could say that God used the heavy hitters to clear out the tough stuff and then left the easy stuff to the people. But would they do it? Would they finish the job and claim the entire land promised to them by God?
The answer is sadly, no. As the tribes split up and inhabit their individual promised parcels of land, the directions from the Lord are clear, finish clearing the land of the evil peoples that will draw them into idolatry, lead them astray in their life-examples, and continue to bring war against them as they reject the ways of Almighty God. And because the job was left undone, the gift left unclaimed, these idolatrous peoples such as the Philistines, will continue to be a great thorn in the side of the entire Israelite nation for roughly the next 300 years until King David conquers them. So the questions looms greatly, if God had already promised He would fight the battles for them (Deut. 20:1-4) and give the enemy into the hands of His people, why did they not do it?
Well, before we get too hard on the Old Testament Israelite nation, we should bring it a bit closer to home and see that human nature has not changed since then. You see, we are told in crystal clarity in the book of Ephesians that we have just such a grand promised land of spiritual blessings available to us today as followers of Christ…if we will claim them.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 NIV
Every spiritual blessing in Christ. The word every means “all that is possible.” And notice where all possible spiritual blessings reside…in Christ. Folks, if you have admitted that you are a sinner and that the penalty of your sin against God is eternal separation from Him in hell and the only way to be united with God in heaven is through redemption in His Son Jesus, then you are a born-again believer. You are a soul saved because God sent His only Son into this world to die on a cross and be raised to life three days later, forever paying your sin debt. And as such, you have a gift that awaits you not only as you one day take your last breath here and are ushered into heaven…but today. You see, Jesus came to not just offer those that call Him Lord abundant life in heaven, but an abundant life every day they breathe here on this planet (John 10:10).
And so just what are these unlimited spiritual blessings and how can you claim them today? Well, the author of the book of Ephesians, Paul, expounds and mentions them in that same letter. They are: the love of Christ, the grace of Christ (His grace being kindness, forgiveness, freedom, wisdom, and understanding), the redemption of Christ, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, access to a peace that passes understanding, and the assurance that nothing can separate you from the love of God. (Ephesians 1:3-14) Folks, if you find yourself needing any or all of the above, God has them laid at your feet as a gift. But…you must claim them.
And to claim them takes time. Time to invest in a true relationship with your Savior and Lord. You cannot expect to build a deep human relationship with someone if you never see them, never speak to them, never think of them, never desire to know more about them, or never seek to please them. So why do we think it is any different as we seek to pursue a deep relationship with the Lord? Friends, if you don’t think you’re as close to the Lord as you need to be, you’re not. And if you think you’re close to the Lord, you’re never close enough.
I recommend a four-fold daily process to draw near to the Lord, sit at His feet, and glean from Him His promised, unlimited spiritual blessings. 1) Spend time daily reading, studying, and journaling what God speaks to you through His Word. Yes, daily. 2) Pray all throughout each day without ceasing knowing that a rich prayer life is not one long prayer a day, but a thousand small. 3) Desperately seek out fellowship with other believers everyday, knowing this Christian walk was never meant to be lived alone, but in community. 4) Allow the first three to fill you to overflowing in the Spirit so that you can pour them right back out in serving the Lord in the very specific way in which He calls you. And folks, as you find yourself walking in the sweet rhythms of your Maker and living in the harmony of His purpose for your life, you will indeed be living the abundant life and claiming every spiritual blessing He promises you.
May God bless you richly as you recklessly seek more of Him…for if you seek Him, He will be found ~ Dan
“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7