Day 10 FMC...the Lord is speaking mightily to me each morning, I pray you guys are experiencing the voice of God as well. If you've missed a day or two, no biggie, start today anew and spend 5 minutes in God's Word! I came across another life verse this morn in Matt 12:34. "...for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Friends it doesn't get any truer & real than this. Whatever is in your heart will come out of your mouth. Is it the joy & hope of Jesus? Is it the greed of the world? Is it the love of job or money? Do you have a true love for God's people & their salvation? Out of our hearts we speak to the world & man do our words have power! James says "the tongue is a restless evil full of deadly poison". Today my prayer is that we can rest in God's Word & pray to Him that He fill us up with His righteous Holy Spirit to overflowing & that out of that abundance we would speak sweetly to those we encounter today. Speak of hope, speak of joy, speak of Jesus.