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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

DAY 11 from Destin

Day 11 5MC...another beautiful sunny day in Destin, I'm praying you all rise focused on God's Word & His plan for your day. This morning's 5 min brought me across the parable of the sower. Please let me share 5 things the Holy Spirit pointed out to me. #1-as far as parables in the Bible, God gave this one a lot of mention, telling it & then FULLY explaining it in 3 of the 4 Gospels! It’s important! #2-notice out of the 4 soils only one produces alarming ratio. #3 what is the seed? God’s Word. Who is the sower? The one who gives out God's Word...meaning you & me when we share the Word. #4. As we share God's Word with the world how much seed does He give us to sow? It's unlimited!! God gives us truckloads of seeds to use! #5. Remember we might sow but it's not us but the power of God's Holy Word that produces. 1 Cor. 3:7 so neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God gives the growth. Scatter the Word of God today & let God grow it!

the white beaches of Destin

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