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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

DAY 24 from Destin

Greetings beloved from Fuge Mobile 2018...Im blessed to be sitting here this morning on a beautiful campus surrounded by 400 youth that are desperately searching for God's plan for their lives. It makes me realize what a huge responsibility we have to the youth in our world today. Its Day 24 of the FMC & I finished Matthew this morn & in 28:18-20 we have the great commission. A man's last words always have great emphasis & these were Jesus' last to the disciples before He ascended into Heaven. You have 3 striking words in this verse, make disciples & teach. This is what we owe our youth. So how do we disciple & teach if we ourselves lack God's knowledge & wisdom? I'm glad you asked! It's of course hopefully sitting right in front of you...God's Word. Be in God's Word today & be prepared to breathe it into our youth today no matter where you may be. Everyone deserves the chance to know Jesus & have life to the fullest. Blessings for your day & pray lives are given & dedicated to Jesus here in Mobile this week.

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