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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter

DAY 6 from Destin

Beunos Dias amigos! Day 6 of the 5MC..Jesus starts calling disciples. You know the people in the bible didn’t know they were living in 'bible times.' They were just regular folks living their lives like you & me. Can you imagine being at work today & a guy walks up & says drop everything & follow me to an unnamed place for an undetermined time? Hello....cuckoo, cuckoo...we'd think the guy was nuts!!! I often wonder about the work the Holy Spirit did in the hearts of the disciples BEFORE Jesus called...they were all so ready to go!! We think everybody Jesus called obeyed but what about the people Jesus called that didn’t heed? I think of the rich young man (Matt 19:16-22) Jesus said give away all you own & follow me but the man couldn't fathom this and He 'went away sorrowful'. I wonder how this man's story would have played out in the scriptures if he had said yes? Jesus calls us to test our obedience to Him, thus testing our faith. I pray you all are willing to heed Jesus' call when He speaks....blessings

Dinner in Destin

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