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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Deuteronomy 11 - The Size of the Blessing Depends on the Eyes that See it

As I write this the wind outside is blustery, coming in from the north with strong gusts of chill. It’s a cold, dark, very quiet 4am. I’m up early for a medical test the mission board is requiring, and my schedule has been a bit upended to say the least. My stomach hasn’t been the home of solid food in over 36 hours and it’s about to commit mutiny on me. The growling from my stomach sounds like a family of tiny dinosaurs has moved in. But throughout inconveniences like this, I learn. I learn that things like having a meal is not always guaranteed for the many that are hungry in our world today. I learn that things like a good night’s sleep in a soft bed on a cold gusty night are not always there for a wandering soul with no home. I learn that even having good preventative medical treatment like I will be enjoying this morning is not available to countless people across this wide world. You see if we stop and examine our lives carefully, you’ll find the size of the blessing depends on the eyes that see it.

This morning after drinking down my medicinal concoction I thought I might take the day off from writing the 5MC. I mean really, who would make a case otherwise. But folks as I got on my knees before the Lord for my morning prayers, I called upon God to not only walk with me through this morning, but to carry me. For His loving arms to wrap me up and carry me through the procedure. You see, we are so ready to skip a day with God, yet we are so adamant that He doesn’t skip a day with us. The least I can do is to serve God daily no matter the inconvenience to my own life. I tell you this to encourage you. As your day seems to be too much, don’t you give up on Jesus. As your day seems too big to tackle, don’t you give up on God’s Word. And as your life seems to be spiraling out of control, that’s not the time to skip the fellowship of church. You see as life hits a pinnacle of messiness, it’s then that you most desperately need God. You can’t blame God for all the bad in your life and pull back from Him, it will only contribute to your problem. As the hurdles in life grow large, it is only more time with God that will help you over them.

This morning I sat down to encounter Deuteronomy 11. Within its pages I found quite the interesting dichotomy. Moses continues to tell the Israelites the rules of how and when they should move into the Promised Land. In addition, God continues to describe the beauty and goodness of the land to them. You see, at this moment the Jews had come from 430 years of slavery in Egypt and then directly into the desert for another 40 years. They had barely seen a blade of green grass or a rolling meadow in almost 460 years. Think of it, even your great-great-great grandfather could not tell you about the beauty of a lush hillside covered with wildflowers. God’s people had known nothing but desolation for so long. But if you recall, soon after they crossed the Red Sea, they were grumbling and longing to be back in slavery in Egypt. They longed to be back in that desolate land that could at least be irrigated so that some vegetables could be grown. You see, compared to the barren, vegetation free desert they were in, Egypt seemed like the garden of Eden. But in the meantime, they failed to see the blessings of daily manna, the blessings of God's protection and the very presence of God Himself with them. The size of the blessing is determined by the eyes that behold it and sometimes our eyes look at blessings from the past and miss the ones directly in front of them.

Now God is giving them details about a land that just seems to good to be true. Listen to the details He gives them in our chapter today about the Promised Land:

“For the land that you are entering to take possession of it is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you sowed your seed and irrigated it, like a garden of vegetables. But the land that you are going over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water by the rain from heaven, a land that the Lord your God cares for. The eyes of the Lord your God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. And if you will indeed obey my commandments that I command you today, to love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, he will give the rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the later rain, that you may gather in your grain and your wine and your oil. And he will give grass in your fields for your livestock, and you shall eat and be full.” Deut 11:10-15

The Jews are on the cusp on inhabiting a land by which the likes they have never encountered. A land flowing with milk and honey, hillsides lush with green grass swaying in the wind, soil that is fertile and will feed them to satisfaction. A land that will support them as they walk with God. A land that God Himself made for His people. A land that God will tend to and water with His precious rains. A land that shows the goodness of God towards His people.

But what about the people that are already there? Well, God will empower the Jews under Joshua to eradicate the evil hearts that are inhabiting the land. You see God made himself known to these peoples over 400 year ago yet their entire civilizations have done nothing but march in the opposite direction of God. They are living fleshly, heathen lives filled with idolatry, great sexual immorality and violence towards all. God will clear out the land for a people that fear Him and heed His law.

But as we continue in the theme of recognizing the blessings before you with eyes from God, what do you think the people in the land though of it? They had become accustomed to the green pastures, abundant rains and fertile soil. They thought that all land was like this. You see, the provision of God had caused in them, complacent and expectant hearts instead of gracious hearts filled with gratitude. You see, an ungrateful heart can easily miss the blessings of God just as easily as a grateful heart can praise God for His blessings. It can be a blessing to some and a curse to others, it just depends on the eyes that take it in.

As you walk through life today, I pray that your eyes are fixed on Jesus. As a result, you will see that all good comes directly from Him. That no matter your mood, physical state or disposition, you will not allow your eyes to be dimmed to the blessings that God provides for you. And folks, you will not always be able to see or even touch God’s blessings. Some of the biggest blessing in my life can never be seen by another. Peace, goodness, purpose and joy. Do you know how much the average millionaire would pay for perfect peace and joy today? Yet, God will grant it to those that love Him, honor Him and follow His commands in obedience. See the blessings of God today through the eyes of Jesus and every little thing in your life will shine with the glory of the God that so richly provided it to you.


Shanghai, China

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