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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Deuteronomy 13 - Understanding the Gospel

We’ve all had em’. Those friends that got us in trouble. Whether it was grade school, high school, college or yesterday, we’ve all experienced the pull of someone that led us in a direction that we later regretted. My Grandad told me one time in high school, “Dan, there’s two kinds of people in this world, some will pull you up and some will pull you down, it’s your choice who you pick.” Those words of wisdom from Grandad are words our world still bitterly needs today.

We’re always out for a good time aren’t we? Our fleshly sin nature is always working overtime, pulling us in the ways of the world. Because of the sin nature we were all born with, the world is pulling at us like a tractor pull in Alabama. You see, our sin nature is in complete opposition to the ways of God. What God says to do, we prefer to do the opposite. Quite the conundrum if you’re looking to follow God, yes? But if there is any constant in life, it’s this…somebody is always out there that will be more than happy to lead you into the direction of bad. Maybe not even intentionally, but if we relent to our fleshly desires, that’s where we’ll go, with the world and in the opposite direction of God. Before long, your running with those that are pulling you down and as a result you start pulling others down that are watching you. In this entire process, it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the entire barrel.

Today we look at Deuteronomy 13 and within it’s words are a clear theme. False prophets, false teachers and those who oppose God…the bad apples. You see God’s Word is as clear as a winter’s night sky on what a false teacher is. Anybody that preaches anything other than the one true gospel of Jesus Christ. I came across this verse the other day in my secondary Bible reading plan, listen to the strong words from God to Paul on this subject:

“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!” Galatians 1:6-9

Unbelievably strong, direct words from Paul. He calls a curse of God down upon anyone that teaches a perverted gospel of Jesus Christ. Folks, that’s some serious stuff. But to fully understand Paul’s passion here, you first have to understand the gospel. Besides, how will you know that someone has perverted or changed the gospel if you don’t first know exactly what it is and exactly what it constitutes? We hear the word gospel tossed around all the time in our church world, but I wonder how many can actually define and tell someone the accurate Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s look closer at the gospel of Jesus Christ so you can take the first step in not being led astray, and that is to thoroughly know the gospel yourself.

The word gospel means “good news.” You see when Jesus arose from the dead on the third day it was good news indeed. The disciples, even though Jesus had told them on several occasions that He would return in three days, could not fully comprehend the reality of His message. And by the way, I don’t blame them too much. It’s tough to believe something that has never been done before or since. It’s not so much a faith issue as it is just a true lack of human understanding. Also, recall at that time they had walked with Jesus but had no Holy Spirit yet. Even today the gospel is still the world’s good news. When you share the gospel with someone, and I pray you are as often as God offers you the opportunity, there’s a few foundational components that truly make it the good news.

1) We all need saving. “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom 3:23. Be sure and notice the “all” in there. And by the way, all means all. You can’t be saved from your sin if you won’t admit you have any. This may sound silly to most Christ followers, but folks, the world is full of people that either refuse to admit their sin or just live in oblivion to the high cost of their sin against God. We’ve all heard stories of people that died suddenly because they never knew they were sick. You have to know you’re sick before you can go to the Doctor. And in reality, even when some people are dying of illness, they still will not go to a Doctor to get better. You’ve first got to realize you’re a hopeless sinner before you can go to the healing hands of Jesus.

2) It’s all about Jesus. Folks, the gospel is Jesus and Jesus is the gospel. There would be no good news to tell if were not for the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies in His coming, crucifixion and being raised to new life. Within the life of Jesus though, there are cornerstones that are critical to the gospel and cannot ever be changed or altered. If they are, it’s not the true gospel, but a false one. Watch out for bad apples that are sharing anything that does not include these foundational scriptural elements of Jesus Christ.

a) He was born of a virgin. (Matt 1:18-25) Folks, since Adam took that bite, every single person ever born has been born with a natural rebellion towards God. Every single individual is born with a built in desire to sin against God and His law. It’s imperative that Jesus was born of a virgin or He would have inherited this sin nature and not been worthy of being the perfect, blemish-free sacrifice God the Father required.

b) He lived a sin free life. “He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.” 1 Peter 2:22. Without living a perfect, sin free existence He would not have been worthy to hang on the cross as a perfect, spotless, blemish-free lamb. He was tempted, yes. He saw sin and lived among it, yes. But Jesus lived without sin.

c) Jesus died on the Cross. “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit" 1 Peter 3:18. Jesus died a horrible death at the hands of men. And unfortunately, because of our sin, it had to be that way. For God to make a way for us to be reunited with Him in Heaven, He had to send His only Son to die upon an old rugged Cross. It was a genuine death, it was not faked, He did not pass out, He was dead. The Roman Imperial Guard crucified as many as 2,000 Christians and criminals per year, that’s as many as 7 people per day. The guards responsible for this task were brutally efficient at their jobs. They knew death. They pierced the side of Jesus to ensure He was dead before removing Him from the Cross. The soldiers had done their job successfully once again, Jesus died on the Cross.

d) Jesus rose again three days later. “This Jesus, God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses.” Acts 2:32 This is the crux and the foundation of the gospel. If Jesus were to remain dead, we would remain dead in our trespasses against God and have no hope of ever seeing God in eternity. But He did not remain dead. It was Roman tradition to leave the body sealed in a tomb for three days to ensure death. After three days the body would already begin to decompose and death was guaranteed. But for Jesus Christ, the three days ended differently for the first and only time on history. He walked out of that tomb 3 days later and into the hearts of those that call upon His name for Salvation.

e) He will save anyone that calls upon His name. “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13. Everyone means everyone. But before you can benefit from the gospel of Jesus Christ, you have to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Folks, this is where the great commission of Matthew 28 comes into play. We have a job today. To go forth into our lives and our world and tell people. People are hurting. People are in turmoil and angst. Lives are in hopeless bondage to sin, no way they can find to break the chains. The gospel of Jesus is the answer to all these problems. But folks, you need to hear before you can believe.

You don’t have to be a missionary in Nicaragua today to share the gospel. You don’t have to be a preacher of a mega church today to share the gospel. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to tell someone the good news of Jesus Christ today. Pray to God to give you the opportunity to share about His Son. Pray to God to give you the exact words when you need them. And then folks, stand back and enjoy the ride. You see God wants to use you, but you first have to offer two things…obedience and availability. Offer both to God today and share the greatest news the world has ever known with one life that desperately needs it.

It will not only change their life; it will change yours.

God bless each of you, if you’re reading this you’re being prayed for.

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