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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Deuteronomy 17 - Who's Your Sherpa?

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

I did a little reading on Mount Everest lately and I homed in on the fascinating role the Sherpa people play in almost every single expedition that treks to the top. The Sherpa people are one of the native ethnic groups that live in the mountainous regions of Nepal and the Himalayas. They are renowned in the international climbing and mountaineering community for their hardiness, expertise, and tolerance of very high altitudes. It has been speculated that part of the Sherpa's climbing ability is the result of a genetic adaptation to living in high altitudes. Some of these adaptations include unique hemoglobin-binding capacity and doubled nitric oxide production.

It’s amazing to scroll the record books and see the dominance the Sherpa's hold over Everest. Most ascents to the peak by one person at 23 times, a Sherpa. Most ascents to the peak by a woman at 10 times, a Sherpa. Most ascents to the top without oxygen at 10, a Sherpa. Fastest ascent to the peak in just under 11 hours, a Sherpa.

As a result of the Sherpa's skill and hardiness at high altitude, it is hard to locate any early expeditions that did not achieve their success largely at the hands of a Sherpa guiding the team. You see, at the heart of any expedition that hopes to stand on top of Everest, is an excellent guide. If I were to attempt Mount Everest next year, my first order of business would be to locate and secure an excellent Sherpa guide. Considering this, why do we think that the incredibly tough expedition of life would be any different? Having a good guide that knows the terrain, the climate and the forecast is key to the success of getting you where you want to go. As we do our best to navigate this world and the many variables and obstacles within it, I have a question for you. Who is your Sherpa in this life?

Today in our study of Deuteronomy 17 we find Moses brushing up on several different topics. Remember that Deuteronomy means “second law” and is basically Moses being prompted by God to retell the law to a new generation that is readying to enter the Promised land. Call it a kind of refresher course for a new class of Israelites. Today we see how the people are to deal with individuals that are worshipping false gods (and it’s not a kind treatment), how to settle legal disputes and laws concerning the future kings of Israel. And it’s the tail end of the chapter concerning the future kings where we will get our passage for today’s study. If you are wondering where you can get the best guide for the expedition of life, look no more.

“And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by the Levitical priests. And it shall be with him, and he shall read in it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God by keeping all the words of this law and these statutes, and doing them, that his heart may not be lifted up above his brothers, and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, either to the right hand or to the left, so that he may continue long in his kingdom, he and his children, in Israel.” Deut. 17:18-20

You know what’s funny about the bulk of our world today? No one would dare attempt climbing Mount Everest on their own, but yet billions of people attempt life on their own. No guide, no help, no advice, no plan and no preparation. The most important, perilous and difficult journey that any of us will ever embark on and we somehow feel we can just fake our way through it. But the best guide the world has ever known has other ideas. If you really think about securing the best guide for your life expedition, you will want that guide to know everything about where you’re going, the best route, and all the details needed to ensure a safe arrival. Folks, if you’re looking for a guide in your life why not choose the one that created it all, maintains it all, and knows it all, past, present and future? God is your guide, and to follow Him through this journey of life you only need to thoroughly study the guidebook He has made for you….His Holy Word, the Bible.

As God is forecasting the appointment of kings over His people, He had but one requirement for those kings. Only one prerequisite existed on the job application to be a king for be an expert on the Word of God. And how do you become an expert on something? Time, time and more time. Study, study and more study. Eat, breathe and live it. Let’s look at God’s instructions for living, loving and knowing His Word that He gives us here in Deuteronomy 17.

1) “He shall write it for himself.” What would you think about copying the entire Bible by hand? If you did do you think you’d know it pretty well? I’d say you would. In fact, you’d know it very, very well. This is exactly how God wants us to know His Word, intimately. Maybe you don’t start copying the O.T. just today, but maybe you can aspire to start journaling about your daily time with God and what He speaks to you. The 5MC started as just this almost 2 years ago and it has grown to be a part of me. God will speak to you as you bond with Him in His Word, write down what He says.

2) “It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life.” I can go into public today and find probably 90% of all people with their cell phones either in their hand or on their person. But what about the Bible? Probably 2% of all people will have a Bible. How can you constantly study it if it’s not always with you? How often should you be studying God’s Word? God says every day. Yep, every single day. 7 days a week, 365 days a year. And this is you studying it, not your pastor or watching a TV preacher tell you about the Bible. If you’re not in this rhythm of daily study, pray for God to move you there. You eat every day and feed yourself physically, you must also feed yourself spiritually every day and you do that with the bread of life, God’s Word.

3) "Keep all the words of this law and these statutes and do them.” You must not study God’s Word as a history textbook, only hoping to memorize it, you must through the Holy Spirit, learn it, keep it and do it. God’s Word is living an active and as a result you must live it and react to it. People will see the affects of you studying God’s Word and they will be watching you closely. Live a life that reflects what God Word instructs.

4) “His heart may not be lifted up above his brothers.” Don’t be holier than thou. As you study, learn and live God’s Word through the power of the Holy Spirit, don’t become pious, it will do great damage. Remain humble and be a teacher of His Word to others that are seeking a greater knowledge of it. As God blesses you with the wisdom of His Word, you will become a teacher of it. Your job is to teach those that God puts in your life. And you teach them by keeping and doing the Word of God while loving those around you like Christ loves them and died for them.

Folks, if you hope to reach the peak of life, your going to need a guide. Not just any guide but a guide that created it, maintains it and know the past, present and future of all of it. God has offered to be your guide through this life, and He has created the most miraculous guidebook that has ever existed. But to accept His help, you must first admit that you need help. You can’t climb that mountain yourself, admit it and that you need a guide. Then you must study the guidebook. Keep it with you always and study it every single day you take a breath. Pray to the Holy Spirit to make it come alive in your heart. As a result, you will find yourself taking small steps up that mountain every single day as you follow your guide. Before you know it, you’ll be standing on a high plateau, enjoying the beautiful views that only the best guide could ever take you to.

Praise God for His guidance.

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