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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Deuteronomy 22 - Like a Good Neighbor

I love to watch Jeopardy and one of my favorite categories is potpourri. I guess you could say it’s just the way my brain works. Non-linear vs linear. The idea of topics coming out willy-nilly is much more like real life to me. Well, today is my lucky day because Deuteronomy 22 is just that, a potpourri of laws from God that deals with domestic and personal relations. After shifting gears out of a 13 chapter section that dealt specifically with religious and national regulations, we’ll continue in this gear all the way through chapter 26. And folks, if you think that God isn’t interested in the minutia of this life, just enjoy a good read through chapter 22 of Deuteronomy.

It’s all here and all important to God. What to do if you come across a birds nest with the mother still on the eggs, building a safety railing around the top of your house, don’t sow two kinds of seed in one field, don’t plow with a donkey and an ox on the same yoke and even a law stating that men should not dress as women. The last half of the chapter deals specifically with many types of sexual immorality and to the shock of our world today, God punished all types of adultery with death. Yep, you get caught with another guy’s wife by multiple witnesses, they drag you out in the street and stone you to death. Can you imagine if we were still living under the Mosaic Law of God today? I can tell you that overnight the US population would be cut by 1/3. That is if we could find enough stones.

But what we’ll look at today is the first part of the chapter. God specifically talks about what it means to be a good neighbor. Yes, this was very important to God and it still is. God specifically talks about respecting and caring for your neighbor’s property and possessions and even how you are to always assist your neighbor when they are in need. You see, apparently God is a fan of State Farm and their motto. We should all be “like a good neighbor.”

There are numerous verses in God’s Word on how we should treat our neighbors and in general, those around us. By the way, when God says neighbor that doesn’t mean be good to the three people that live in houses that border yours and then you can be mean to the rest of the world. You may not realize it, but you have a forcefield that travels around with you. As you move throughout your day, anybody that comes into contact with your forcefield is your new neighbor. And that means, God has commanded you to love them and be good to them. That means everybody at work, school, Wal-Mart and yes, even every single driver you pass on your daily commute. Hey, whoever said that following God's laws would be easy?

This concept is extremely important to God, so much that Jesus taught it regularly. In fact, in one situation when a Pharisee tried to trip Him up in His teachings, this law came in as number two on the priority list of Jesus.

““Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matt 22:36-40

Also these:

“No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.” 1 Corinthians 10:24

“For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Gal 5:14

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Matt 7:12

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” Phil 2:3

“Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.” Romans 15:12

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10

Folks, there’s over 50 more verses on this same topic. This is one of the single most important commandments we have received from God, He just said so Himself. Please allow me to get down where the tire hits the pavement. Considering this is one of the single most important laws for us from God, it’s one that I see violated among my Christian brothers and sisters more than any. Folks, if you have called upon Jesus Christ as your Savior, His laws and commandments are not an option for you. And this includes loving your neighbor as yourself. You are not afforded the luxury of interpreting God’s law to fit your “special” circumstances. It doesn’t matter what that person said, did or told people about you. Love them as yourself. It doesn’t matter what political affiliation they are or what domination they are. Love them as you want to be loved. It doesn’t matter if they wronged you 20 years ago or yesterday. Love them above yourself. It doesn’t matter whether they are standing in front of you or on Facebook 5,000 miles away. Love them and honor them and respect them. Folks, God even gives us this command in the simplest of terms…love others like you want them to love you.

Do you want to be accepted, liked and cared for? Do you want to be forgiven when you make mistakes in life? When you sin and tell a lie or hurt someone would you like to be shown mercy and grace? Folks, you give it before you get it. If you withhold mercy and grace from others, it will not be shown to you. You see, the beauty of the golden rule is that it begins in the heart that beats within your own chest, not elsewhere.

I pray today that we would all just love like Jesus loved us. He hung on a Cross for you with nails piercing his very hands and feet. He died on that Cross and bore the severity of your sins so that you would not go to hell and be separated from God, but have an eternal home in Heaven in His very presence. Friends, that is love. We can never show that same level of love, but we are to give our all to emulate that very love. Forgive those that have hurt you. Show mercy to those that have wronged you. Show grace to those that have done bad to you. Sure it's tremendously hard, but as you do, you will be imitating the very Son of God and the love He showed the world.

Today, I pray that if you’re reading this you will make it a new day. To love, be kind, to forgive and to be gracious to all that you come into contact with. In person, in text, on the phone and online. As you do, you will feel the goodness of Jesus creep into your heart. And folks, that is a feeling we all need more of.

God bless you as you love your world today.

Caribbean sunrise

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