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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Deuteronomy 3 - Whose is it to Give?

Growing up my brothers, cousins and I had a term we used for giving somebody something and then taking it back, “Indian-giver.” I later learned that we were completely misusing the phrase as was most of the world. As Lewis and Clark were on their historical camping trip, they encountered many friendly Indians and as a result they learned a very interesting local custom. The Indians lived on a very basic bartering system and before the introduction of the white man, they had seen it all, had it all and traded for it all. But as the white man appeared, so did a myriad of new, colorful and fascinating trinkets. The Indians desired to possess these new white man items, so they would first offer up an item and then feel entitled to ask for what they desired in return. Think of this, an Indian chief would offer up a basket of vegetables and in return expect a new rifle. Not what we would call a good exchange for the rifle owner. At times apparently the Indians could get a little pushy and if denied their trade could resort to theft or trickery as they felt insulted. Thus the term of an Indian giving you something of little value and expecting something great in return was subsequently coined “Indian giver” and added to the American dictionary in 1848.

But as we talk of giving, think of what it means to truly give something. Rule #1, you must own what you give. You either have to purchase it, make it, grow it or build it. Rule #2, and the most critical, you must choose to give it away. This process starts in the heart and is an extension of the emotional connection you have with the individual. One of my favorite verses is Matthew 12:34, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” You see what we feel in our heart will come bubbling forth out of us like a geyser at Yellowstone. It’s inevitable, you can’t control it and you can’t stop it. The strong feelings of gratitude and love you have for someone in your heart will cause you to shower them with gifts. And not just physical gifts. It could be love, time, care, loyalty, sacrifice or devotion. Speaking of gifts of love, happy Valentine’ Day. There will be lots of gifts given today as a result. Men and women that feel so strongly for each other in love that they will be expressing those emotional feelings by giving gift items. (Of course, there will also be many men who will do it because the holiday demands it…peer pressure lives) But the point is, out of the emotions you feel, you are driven to give of what you have with another.

But when you really boil it down, whose is it to give?

Today, Deuteronomy 3 continues on with Moses retelling more of the adventures of the Israelites. They are nearing the Promised Land and as a result, they have to clear some land, of people that is. You see, the best land was already occupied. The Israelites had been banished by God into the desert for the last 40 years, a mountainous land of sand, rock and little vegetation or water. Everybody knew this, so nobody lived there. Since people needed to farm and graze their livestock, they needed fertile ground and that’s what they claimed. As the Israelites came ever closer to claiming the land God had given them, they found people already on it. Big, strong, healthy, people. People in fortified cities with weapons and the will power to keep it. Small problem for the Israelites. But folks, what you will see in the next book of the Bible, the book of Joshua, is that God will enable the people to clear out the land that is theirs. And why is it theirs? Because God has given it to them.

You see, God is the original giver. Out of a level of love that we cannot even begin to fathom, God gives. He created the universe, the stars and the heavens and He gave them to us. He created the land and the sea, and He gave them to us. He created man and woman and He gave them to each other to be married in His sight, a holy union of God to serve and fulfill a purpose, be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth. He created, animals, vegetation, food and well, this list could go on infinitum, God created it all. Revert back to rule #1 of giving, you have to own it to give it. Folks, God created it all and He owns it all, therefore He can give it all.

We see the word “give” used six times in chapter 3. But we see them used in a variety of ways. In verse 3:18 we see God reiterate that He has “given them this land to possess.” Easily the simplest form of giving, a transfer of a physical item. Land can be given by the one who owns it. But God also gives some other more tricky items, like in these two verses:

“The Lord said to me, “Do not be afraid of him, for I have given him into your hands, along with his whole army and his land.” Deu 3:2

“So, the LORD our God also gave into our hands Og king of Bashan and all his army. We struck them down, leaving no survivors.” Deu 3:3

Here we see God giving the Israelites the victory over their enemies. Now I don’t know about you, but I cannot give Margie a victory over Argentina for Valentine’s Day. Although I’m sure that would impress her. You see, we are quickly moving into God’s territory, He can give like we can never give. God can give this way because of rule #1 of giving, He owns it all because He made it all. This giving also satisfies rule #2, God loves, cares and provides for His people. Out of this love He gives. But let’s look at yet another type of Godly giving in chapter 3.

“However, your wives, your children and your livestock (I know you have much livestock) may stay in the towns I have given you, until the Lord gives rest to your fellow Israelites as he has to you, and they too have taken over the land that the Lord your God is giving them across the Jordan. After that, each of you may go back to the possession I have given you.” Deu 3:19-20

We see a “quad-peat” here as given is mentioned four times in only two verses, let’s focus on the second mention. God gives of all things…rest. Folks, I really want you to wrap your head around this one. We limit oursleves to what we can give because we are limited in what we can give. You cannot give a victory to someone over a nation and you cannot give someone rest. In order to fully understand the power of God, you have to understand the power of how and what God gives.

In order to take a shot at this, let’s make a list of how God gives abundantly to us. Feel free to make your own list and hang it on the fridge. Add to it through the week or month as things hit you. God gives:

Salvation, life, love, mercy, purpose, forgiveness, joy, peace, His Holy Spirit, grace, work, health, rest, food, faith, blessings, patience, direction, provision, wisdom, goodness, redemption, correction, His Word, family, prayer, vision, power, safety, a home, fellowship, His light, rest, discipline, a servant heart, miracles, His law, understanding, obedience, harmony, strength, a calling.

Folks, this list can and does go on forever, but let’s not miss one gift that God has given…

His only Son Jesus Christ.

“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

God gave His only Son. The Father gave His one and only Son. He gave Jesus Christ to us to pay for our sins. It was God’s choice, He gave Jesus. Why did He give His only Son as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins? Because of the love He feels for each and every person He has ever created. Folks, as you think about the giving of God, the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ is the single biggest gift that has ever been given.

Today, if you have never asked for this gift from God you can. What better day to ask Jesus to rescue you from the darkness of your sin than today, a day known for giving gifts out of true love. God gives all because He made all and He gives all because He loves all.

Know today that first and foremost, God loves you. And out of that endless love, He wants you to be in Heaven with Him. And the only way to do that is through His Son Jesus which He gave to you as a gift.

Believe on Jesus and receive what only God can give.

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