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Deuteronomy 6 - A Content Heart has a Short Memory

Writer: Dan PotterDan Potter

I remember a funny skit from Saturday Night Live many years ago called short term memory man. Tom Hanks was the central character and in a vaudevillian vein similar to Abbot and Costello’s Who’s on First, he has some hilarious dialogue because he can’t remember anything from more than a few minutes ago. As soon as people tell him stuff, he forgets immediately, which of course causes hilarious moments to ensue. The skit makes me realize the importance of our memories and the role they play daily. We can remember dates, times, places, and of course special people are emblazoned upon our memory forever. But I have a tough question for you. As you go about your daily routine every day, where does God rank in your memory banks? Is He constantly at the forefront of your mind or, like short term memory man, quickly forgotten until you need Him?

In chapter 6 of Deuteronomy today, Moses continues giving out the 10 Commandments for the second time. We are on the cusp of the Israelites entering the Promised land after a 40 year journey of wandering in the desert, a trip that occurred because of their disobedience to God fueled by their lack of faith. Before this new generation claims the land God has for them, He sees it necessary to give them a refresher on His law. I really enjoy it when God gives His refresher courses because the second time always has a different delivery than the first. That’s part of the miracle of God’s Word, it’s living and active. (Heb 4:12) It constantly changes to adapt to the current state of the believer’s heart. That’s why you can hear one passage today and 90 days later hear the same passage, yet it speaks to your heart very differently.

As God is preparing hearts to be blessed in this new land, He delivers a message that is so fresh and so current to our world today, that it could very well be the headlines of every news outlet in the world for Wednesday, February 19, 2020. All Blessings come from God.

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget the Lord” Deut 6:10-12a

What a powerful statement that speaks not just to an Israelite heart in 1300 BC but to an American heart in 2020 AD. It brings us back around to our title today, you see, a content heart has a very short term memory of God. To expound, a heart that is content in and with this world can quickly forget where the blessings of contentment came from. God tells us here in this passage, He gives us a flourishing nation with large cities that we did not build. He gives us houses filled with good things that we we did not supply. Even the very water we drink comes from the hand of God. He gives us a life full of provisions that flow directly from His hands, not ours. He in essence says, don’t have short term memory loss, always remember where your blessings come from.

The world has such a difficult time with this concept today. That is, that all good flows from God directly to us. The idea that we are helpless to help ourselves is just not a popular thought today. We are told that we are all super-special, super smart, powerful, strong and control our own destiny. The latest buzz word in cinema is to offer women a “strong female lead.” Apparently, Hollywood assumes that women lack such a moral compass that they need a female superhero to guide them in their lives? You see, the world tells us we simply need to be strong and take charge and go get what we want. The world will tell you that you get what you earn and if you don’t like your lot in life, just work harder. But do you see the flaw in the logic of the world? All of it neglects God and all of it neglects to mention where the blessings of this life come from. The logic of the world greatly helps us along with our short term memory loss by telling us that by serving oursleves we can truly get what we deserve.

So how can you battle the short term memory problem that posits itself every day? Well, it’s a matter of where you keep your heart. If you focus your heart on yourself, it will stay there. If you focus your heart on securing things that will bring you worldly pleasure, it will firmly rest on the things of the world. But where does God want our heart to be focused each and every day? Well, I’m glad you asked, because one of the most powerful passages on this very topic just happens to fall right here in Deuteronomy 6.

“The Lord—and the Lord alone—is our God. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Never forget these commands that I am giving you today. Teach them to your children. Repeat them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working. Tie them on your arms and wear them on your foreheads as a reminder.” Deut 6:5b:9

Where you focus your heart, your mind will follow. Is your heart focused on Jesus and His Word today? Was His Word the first thing on your mind as you rose this morning? Or did you go straight to your Facebook posts and texts as you flipped on the negativity of the news? Are you diligently and relentlessly teaching your children the Word of God or are you just so busy that you trust the public schools to teach them the way that they should go? Is God and His Word the king of your home? Do you read it as a family and make it the center of a night or is the latest TV show or video game what gets the attention? When you’re at work are you the same person you are on Sunday mornings at church? Or are you a completely different person, melding into the corporate culture that condones flirting, gossip and foul language? You see, where you place your heart will guide your mind into a place that will keep you from experiencing that short term memory loss. Keeping God’s Words on your heart throughout your day will keep Jesus at the center of your life.

The last sentence of the passage is very interesting and worth noting. The Israelites would literally write down God’s Word on a small piece of parchment and place it inside a small leather tube. They would then attach God’s Word to the door frames of their home to signify that their house served God and His Law. They would also tie these small tubes to either their hands or around their foreheads like a headband. As the day passed and their minds strayed, they literally had God’s Word attached to them, it was part of them, a close reminder to keep God the focus. Also, as they proceeded throughout their day, all those they encountered knew they served Almighty God and His Law. Just think if this were to happen today. Do you think you’d be so ready to tell off that guy at the store if you had the book of Ephesians tied to your forehead? Probably not.

Today, refuse to believe what you’re told by the world but instead choose to believe the Words of God. All the blessings in your life flow directly from God and in that you should be constantly praising Him for His goodness and provision. If we rest in ourselves, we become content in oursleves, and a selfish content heart can quickly forget the need for God.

Today, keep God’s Word close in your heart, close in your home, close in your mind and close at hand. As you do, you will be acutely aware of how He richly blesses those who are obedient to Him in love.

Blessings to you.


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