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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Esther 7 - Begging for Your Life

“…but Haman stayed to beg for his life from Queen Esther, for he knew that the king intended to kill him...” Esther 7:7

I’ve seen it in countless Hollywood blockbusters. The mean ol’ villain that has been terrorizing the entire cast for 90 minutes, finally faces the business end of a gun himself. And as he does, he breaks down and begs for his life. Any and all tactics are used. Tears, desperate pleas, empty promises, and attempts to humanize are all shamelessly wielded as they hope to save their life. You see, when death seems ominously eminent, what is it you wouldn’t do to save it?

Esther chapter 7 brings to fruition the tale of evil Haman. Because of selfish pride, Haman instituted a kingdom wide edict to annihilate every Jew, and unbeknownst to King Xerxes, that included his beautiful new Jewish queen, Esther. And the edict materialized because Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, would not bow to Haman. One man’s pride demanded a bow of deference and the others man’s pride would not allow him to deliver it. Pride runs deep in the souls of men and it is in these dark depths that it marries to bring forth sin. But the sin of man is always brought to the light. You will reap what you sow, God will not be mocked. (Gal. 6:7) As Haman’s plan is brought to the light, King Xerxes is appalled to hear that an edict has been made to kill the people group that includes his very queen. Justice shall be served. As the king takes an anger fueled garden walk to determine the fate of Haman, Haman stays behind with Esther…to beg for his life.

But as I imagine Haman on his knees, begging for his physical life, it makes me wonder why more people aren’t begging for their spiritual lives. You see, every single man, woman, and child that is born upon this planet is not destined for one death…but two. A physical and a spiritual. When our physical bodies perish, our souls will spin off into eternity as well. And since each one of us possess a sin nature, this means that unless we deal with our sin, our eternal souls are in jeopardy. Everybody has sin, God’s Word is crystal clear in that. (Rom 3:23) In fact, if you know somebody that claims to have never sinned, please let me know, I would love to meet someone that has never told one single lie since birth. And considering that even one sin separates us from Almighty God for eternity, we should be begging God for our spiritual lives. We should be on our knees like Haman, doing all we can to skirt the eternal death that is coming.

Folks, today, if you have not asked Jesus into your heart to be your personal Lord and Savior, a death is coming that you don’t want. An eternity separated from God is an eternity that I cannot imagine and one that I desire for no one on this planet. But God in His infinite love, mercy, and grace made a way for all humans to receive not death, but life. He sent His only Son Jesus Christ here to be born of a virgin, live a perfect sinless life, die on a cross, and be raised three days later. Because of that, Jesus is the only way to true life. (John 14:6) Today, fall on your knees and beg Jesus to save your life, to save you from your sin that separates you from God. Beg him for your spiritual life. And friends, in a true show of His love and mercy, He will save every single person that calls upon the name of Jesus Christ. (Rom 10:13) Time is short, life is fragile, we are not guaranteed a tomorrow…beg upon Jesus to save your life today.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

la orquídea (the orchid), Puebla, Mexico

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