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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Esther 9 - The Throne on Our Side

“For Mordecai was great in the king’s house, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces, for the man Mordecai grew more and more powerful.” Esther 9:4

Getting into Mexico on a Visa is tricky business. Paperwork galore, documents a plenty, and trips to embassies, consulates, and immigration to display them all. Margie and I had to appear at the Mexican consulate in Dallas, Texas to apply and receive a temporary Visa before landing on Mexican soil. Only then to appear at the Federal Mexican immigration office again in the first 30 days to obtain our temporary resident cards. And all during the process, one wrongly checked box can make a big difference. One of our colleagues experienced just this and within 48 hours of arrival in Mexico, she had to drive the 5 hours back to Mexico City to correct the wrongly checked box. And to do this she needed an immigration attorney. She needed one that was qualified to speak for her and to stand for her. She needed one to intervene in her affairs on her behalf to see the proper order executed. One that could forestall any wrongdoing that could happen to her whether intentionally or unintentionally. And thank the Lord, all went well, thanks to one that acted on her behalf.

In Esther chapter 9 we see the drama drawing to a close. God’s sovereignty saw Esther placed on the throne as queen and also gave Mordecai the opportunity to thwart a royal assassination, thereby allowing them to dispel evil Haman’s plot to destroy the Israelites. And as the new royal decree goes out that allows the Israelites to defend themselves, we see that as they did, they constantly had unseen support from the throneroom. Mordecai was now at the right hand of king Xerxes in the throneroom of the palace. Mordecai, being a Jew himself and cousin to Queen Esther, was constantly involved. Mordecai was tirelessly intercessing for his people at every turn. He was advocating for their protection and ensuring their right and ability to live a life that was abundant in freedom, peace, and joy. And folks, praise the Lord that as Christ followers today, we still have an intercessor in the throneroom.

Many may wonder what happened to Jesus after he ascended back into Heaven in Acts chapter 1. Some may think He is in heaven floating on a cloud, playing a harp, and just hanging out. Nope, they’re probably watching too much Tom and Jerry. Some may think Jesus is in Heaven acting as a cosmic traffic cop, just waiting to penalize those who do bad with a stiff fine. No again. You see, Christ is alive and well today, sitting at the right hand of God the Father in the throneroom of Heaven. And He is active in the lives of those that have called upon His name for Salvation. And when I say active, I mean active. Jesus Christ is our intercessor every minute of every day. Even when you are not aware, He is thwarting evil intended for you, dispelling lies told about you by the evil one, and whispering only the truth about you to the Father. As you walk closely with Christ today, praise Him for His intercession. And even as those words of praise pass your lips, He is in the throneroom of Heaven directing affairs on your behalf. Praise God that our help here on this Earth is directed and orchestrated by a perfect Heavenly intercessor, the very Son of God, the king of kings, the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.

“Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” Romans 8:34

la casa vieja (the old house), Puebla, Mexico

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