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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Even One

Updated: Feb 20

“In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.” Luke 15:10

Counting the cost. This is what I want, and this is what it will cost me to get it. Do I want it bad enough to pay the price? Everything in life costs us something. A cost to offset the want. There is, of course, an obvious cost to physical items. It'll cost you forty grand (or more) for a new car. It'll cost you $700 for a new 70” TV. Carefully count the cost and if it's viable for you, you’ll pull the trigger and make the purchase. What about marriage? There is a cost. After 28 years of marriage, Margie and I are very aware of the costs associated with dedicating your life to another through the thick and thin of life. There are also high costs to education, career, and parenthood. All big-life items that have big price tags attached, that is, costs that manifest themselves to various degrees.

But what about the costs of your duty as a Christ-follower? What about your duty to fulfill Matthew 28’s great commission? What about those that have called on Christ and follow Him in obedience to go into the world and tell others of the saving grace of Jesus? You see, in doing this, there is definitely a cost. Jesus is crystal clear in telling those that call upon His name for salvation that there will be a cost to following Him. Jesus promises His followers suffering, ill-treatment, ridicule, slander, and yes, even death. All things that Jesus first endured to see those that call upon His name saved from their sin. So, the elephant in the room poses an obvious question...why would anyone sign up for suffering?

Why would anyone sign up to follow Jesus and fulfill the great commission if it means being on satan’s attack radar for the duration of the journey? As you count the high cost, why would you make the purchase? We’re told in Luke 15:10 that when one person repents and asks Jesus into their hearts as their Lord and Savior, that the angels rejoice and celebrate. A Heavenly party is thrown to celebrate the salvation of just one soul. One single life coming to Jesus causes a raucous chorus of angels singing before Almighty God with Jesus sitting at His right side. I can only imagine the scene. And in that unimaginable scene, I find my answer to the whys of following Christ. God treasures every single life on this planet and He desires each of them to hear of the wonder of Jesus’ work upon the Cross. Jesus died and was raised three days later so that we will not die eternally, but live eternally. Because He lives, the dead in sin can live with Him in eternity.

Yes, the cost is high. It might cost you your home, your car, and your career. It might cost you closeness to family, closeness to your local church, and closeness to the only life you’ve ever known. It might cost you all of your comfort, convenience, and security. But folks, to see even one come to Christ…to see even one lost soul saved by the blood of Jesus, is worth it. It’s worth everything to think of God’s angels rejoicing and dancing in front of the very throne of God as He looks on in approval knowing that the death of His only Son was not in vain. That even today people are hearing of the Salvation that only comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

For Margie and me, we have counted the cost and it is worth it all. As we sit at gate A36 at DFW airport, ready to depart for the mission field God has called us to, we are ever whispering a prayer to God. God, as we go for you, please allow even one to come to know you through our efforts. Even just one.

“Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:22

Maui, Hawaii, 2016

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